His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1339: Love! Love sleeps with time! (29)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qiandi's face was pale as paper, but his eyes were reddish, and he looked at the man in shock.

"Always be together, are you too funny? How can I and you," all this is just the wishful thinking of this man.

Su Wencheng's face changed slightly, and she finally looked back at her with scrutiny, seeing her tight shoulder line trembling slightly, and sighed lightly: "Since then, I started to choke everything for our future Even if you marry your fiance, it does n’t matter. I ’ll wait for you, but I never thought that your engagement trip would have such an accident. You will stay with Lu Yan and you will give birth. His child. "

"So you want to tell me that in time their family will encounter all this, all because of me! Because you want to get me, and I'm the same as you ..." Su Qian choked in his throat, and said hardly: "All The biggest culprit ?! "

"It's not, it's not ..."

After hearing this, Su Qiandi stared confusedly and listened to Su Wencheng continuing: "Perhaps I am an indescribable person. I allow myself not to be indifferent for a certain day. You just have the motivation to let me have It's just a step forward with courage. "

Su Qianxuan clasped his wrists: "Don't say it so nicely, you obviously want to achieve the purpose, can anyone use it?"

Su Wencheng narrowed his eyes: "Yes, anyone is willing to take advantage of it, but you and I are not willing to take advantage of it. What I want to counter is your behavior today ..."

Su Qianyi smiled sneer, interrupting her and said, "You are reluctant to use me, why do you want to use me, why do you want to use my father to forgive you?"

"What you don't like to do, I have never forced you. You want me not to threaten Mo Geun, and I can promise you, for you, I can not go back to Su's house, no longer a difficult time, as long as you hold your hand now Give me what's in it, and you can leave, and we can do nothing before. "

His tone was soft and seductive.

Su Qianyi looked at him doubtfully, and his heart was full of puzzles: "What is in this USB flash drive? You said that you can let Mo Jin and time pass, is it because of me or the contents of this USB flash drive that let you Have to compromise ?! "

Su Wencheng lost his patience, and said coldly, "Sometimes it is better to be confused than to be sober. I don't want to embarrass you!"

She thought she should not have realized the mistake, and Su Qianqiang said, "What if I must not give it to you?"

"I don't want to say what I'll do to you, but I won't let you go."

Su Wencheng's warning voice had not yet fallen, and Su Qiandi saw a red dot suddenly fall on Su Wencheng's head. She gave a slight nod, then narrowed her eyes horribly.

She used to stay in Yingzhai, where she had the most guns. She has n’t used them, but she has seen all kinds of guns. If she did n’t guess, the red dot on Su Wencheng ’s forehead should be a laser mounted on the blocking gun. laser.

Su Wencheng was also keenly aware of the wrong. He didn't dare to move when his body moved. He squinted and looked at Su Qianyu in front of him dangerously.

Su Qianyu's cell phone rang.

She glanced at the opposite Su Wencheng, saw that he still did not move, so he pulled out the phone and looked at it, the phone call was made by Lu Yan ...

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