His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1342: sweet! Dog abuse is everywhere! (2)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

When Lu Yanchen and Chu Mubei came in, they saw Lu Yan clinging to Su Wencheng. Every time, he could be fierce. His fist slammed on Su Wencheng's head. Su Wencheng was beaten with blood, and plasma splashed around.

Seeing them in, Lu Yanzhi finally stopped, and he took a deep glance at Su Wencheng's gaze and was unwilling.

Just a moment ago, something that had been suppressed for a long time was moving in his body, crazy and violent, unstoppable. If he didn't stop, he would really kill this person alive.

Lu Yan held back his violent flames, and looked at Lu Yanchen coldly like ice: "Your account, I will count with you later!"

Then, grab Su Qianzhao's hand, and pull out aggressively.

When Su Qianzhen passed Lu Yanchen's side, he threw the newly picked USB disk to Lu Yanchen, leaving Lu Yanchen and Chu Mubei to clean up the mess behind him.

Just now she was really persevered by angry Lu Yan, shaking her heart.

The last time I saw Lu Yan holding such a big fire, it was six years ago. At that time, he thought she had lost Xiaobai, and she couldn't wait to kill her directly, but she didn't really hit her. Stayed, just stared at her fiercely.

So it's not as scary as it is today.

Is Lu Yanzhi so angry today because she ignores safety?

The car was always moving forward fast, and the car was so silent and dead. Su Qianyu turned his head to look at Lu Yan's face with a murky face. He was guilty at the same time and was a little scared.

She asked tentatively: "Why are you here?"

Looking at Lu Yanchen's appearance just now, it seems that he would not appear, otherwise he could not appear in the house so quickly. It should be another person who pointed at Su Wencheng with a gun.

"In the past two days, you have a lot of thoughts, and you can see that you have a nasty feeling at a glance." Lu Yanzhi's voice was extremely cold, one word at a time.

Su Qian muttered, "I haven't done anything bad, why do you describe it like that?"

Lu Yanzhi just sneered and didn't speak.

The car stopped at the door of the apartment. Su Qianyu saw Lu Yanzhi get out of the car quickly, then came to the co-pilot to pull the car door and dragged her hand out of the car.

Immediately after entering the room, she let go of Lu Yan's hand and her voice was dry: "Xiao Bai is going home today ..."

Lu Yanzhi watched him step forward, and Su Qianyi subconsciously took a step back.

"Are you afraid of me?" He asked softly.

Su Qiandi smiled awkwardly: "No."

"No, you should be afraid of me." Lu Yan smiled mockingly, "because I want to strangle you now!"

As he said, he grabbed Su Qianyi's hand, and a rotation caused them to change their positions. He pressed her to the door panel and stopped her with force.

His voice is as aggressive and aggressive as his movements: "Su Qianyu, Lao Tzu has really been very kind to you lately, and you **** don't take Lao Tzu seriously !!!! "

You are not my husband. Why should I take you seriously? Su Qianyi only thought this was funny, and was trying to mock it back, but his chin was pinched by Lu Yan.

He looked annoyed in her eyes, gasping suddenly and suddenly: "You **** dare to do this kind of **** to Lao Tzu in the future, Lao Tzu will just waste you !!!"

Speaking, slender fingers directly pulled her clothes, regardless of her objections.

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