His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1349: sweet! Dog abuse is everywhere! (9)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"It's very simple. He plopped into his arms like a kitten, wrapped his arms around his arms, and softened his voice softly ..."

"Okay, I'll go now." Mo Feifei got out of the car in embarrassment.

Time lowered the window and shouted behind him, "Come on, sister, I believe you can do it."

Could it be that they are laughing and crying.

Coquettish? Shang Mo should not eat this set. Zhu Yuyu and Zhao Anni were not in front of him, but he didn't even blink.

Could it be that Feifei bought a la carte home, and when he brought the dish to the table, he was suddenly hugged from behind. The two were tightly pressed together, tightly connected, and they could almost feel each other's breathing and heartbeat.

Shang Mo's breath sprayed into her ear, and she asked ambiguously, "I came back so early and made all the dishes. Is it because I returned home today?"

Mo Feifei turned his body, face to face with him, and explained, "Let's take a break in the afternoon and see my little aunt with my sister."

"Have you missed me?" Shang Mo raised his right hand and gently touched Mo Feifei's cheek, his eyes looked at her deeply, then his head became lower and lower.

It seemed as if she was about to kiss her lips in the next second, and her heart was beating, and her heart was choppy, almost jumping out of her throat.

Breath was still approaching, hot and hot, could it be that my heart was beating, a voice in my heart was shouting: He is going to kiss her, he is going to kiss her again!

Seeing that his lips were about to come up, she closed her eyes subconsciously, but Shang Mo's movement stopped suddenly, looking at Mo Feifei's closed eyes, and the smile in his eyes couldn't stop overflowing.

If Mo Feifei, who was struck by the fawn, could not see her tenderness, she slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing that Shang Mo was looking at her with a smile, there was a touch of playfulness in the corner of her mouth.

She froze.

"Do you think I want to kiss you?" He asked.

Could it be that he was teased by a man, annoyed and embarrassed?

She was originally thin-skinned, and although she was always a faint look, she actually blushed easily.

Ears were red now, and I didn't want to listen to Shang Mo, and turned to the kitchen.

Shang Mo walked over and took her hand, did he just look at her coolly, his forehead pressed against her and said, "Are you angry?"

Mo Feifei glanced at Shang Mo.

He didn't wear glasses at the moment, took off Sven's mature coat, a handsome face full of evil spirits, and those charming eyes were full of tender smiles.

Could Feifei look into his eyes, his heart beat missing unconsciously.

His eyes were really hooking, and the smile of evil charm was maddening.

Could Feifei feel my heart beating fast, and uneasily opened his eyes: "No anger, let's eat first, I'm so hungry, aren't you hungry?"

"Hungry ..." Shang Mo shook the corners of his mouth and said ambiguous, meaning another level of signification.

Could Feifei pretend not to understand, holding the bowl and giving them a bowl of soup.

"Huaishan pig's foot soup, I like it." Shang Mo said, took a spoonful and took a sip. He looked up at the opposite Mo Feifei, and couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

Mo Feifei smiled at him with his eyes bent, and then sandwiched a rib and put it in another empty bowl of him: "Try this, I made it for the first time today, I don't know if it is delicious.

Shang Mo used chopsticks to pinch her mouth and cheered as she praised: "Nice, delicious, and sweet."

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