His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1352: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (2)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shang Mo's figure took a step forward, and then continued on.

Could not be discouraged, looking at the table full of dishes, he suddenly lost all appetite.

After she had packed the table, she stepped into Shang Mo's room and knocked on the door. There was no sound in it.

If you go, it will be three years. It is very difficult for them to meet at any time during these three years. He will be angry that she can understand.

But she still had to go.

So she should coax him.

Time flashed in her mind, holding her hand to coquettishly, did she really want to learn time, could not help but hit a stimulus, forget it, this little coquettish feels cute and adorable What she did would only make people feel hateful and awkward.

She gently opened the door and saw Shang Mo standing back to her outside the floor-to-ceiling glass window. The tall and erect back looked particularly lonely.

The door was opened and closed, but Shang Mo did not turn back.

Could Feifei approach her step by step, every time she stepped closer, her heartbeat became fierce. When she stood behind him, she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

She punched her fist, spread her arms, and hugged him from behind him.

Shang Mo's body stiffened, and the hand standing on the side suddenly clenched.

"Don't be angry, will you?" Murphy held him softly.

Shang Mo frowned slightly, staring coldly outside, whispering, "Release."

Couldn't he let it go, his cheek gently pressed against his back, feeling the warmth from her body, and said gently: "Every time I called you to let go, but you didn't let go."

Shang Mo turned her head and looked at her coldly.

Mo Feifei stared at her eyes, and when she bent her eyes, she smiled, and looked at him eagerly, "You look like you are going to eat me."

Shang Mo looked at her, his handsome eyebrows twisted, threatened: "Do you think I dare not eat you?"

A low voice, with a bit of ruthlessness, then pulled her hand away.

She always felt that he was optional, so she didn't care so much. He must make her think that he was important to her this time, so don't take him seriously.

Could Feifei hold his hand and soften his voice: "Shang Mo, don't be angry with me, I really want to go to this school ..."

Shang Mo looked down at her, and said coldly, "Go where you want to go!"

"I was in a coma for seven years and never went to school. Wouldn't you be afraid that someone would say your girlfriend was a girl who didn't graduate from high school?"

"I like it just fine, as for others, it doesn't matter." The low, solemn voice overflowed from the lips, with the solemn coldness of my own solemn gas field.

"Yes, yes! You haven't always been such a person who values ​​appearances, but I care, I don't want to be worthy of you in the eyes of others!" Mo Feifei agreed.

"... You mean you go to school, all because of me." Shang Mo's rage suddenly disappeared silently.

"Yeah!" Mo Feifei saw that it was effective, so he pulled Shang Mo's hand and shook it, staring at him eagerly, learning the tone before the time, and said coquettishly, "So don't be angry with me, OK, Shang Mo ... Brother Shang ... Brother ... "

Shang Mo's body was stunned. In case of thunder, he looked at Mo Feifei in shock: "..."

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