His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1358: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (8)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Otherwise, let's get engaged first ... Must this idea suddenly come to my mind.

Putting it another way, if it is her, her boyfriend will be abroad for three years, and she can't meet often in the middle, and she will also complain. Shang Mo wasn't happy that she could understand, she thought, if she said that he was engaged to him, would it be possible to appease him completely?

As she moved her lips, she was hesitant to make a noise, when her colleague's voice sounded behind her.

"Fei Fei, the director called you to the office."

The voice was quite loud. Murphy heard it, and Shang Mo on the phone heard it. He said, "Go first."

"Well, let's go back and talk." Murphy hanged up and went to the director's office.

The earliest design director Dawei started, this uncle's impression of Mo Feifei was extremely bad.

The person he dislikes most is the relationship household, but after working together, his impression of Mo Feifei changed greatly.

Powerful and easy to learn, more importantly, good character and stable personality. From the beginning, he left Mo Feifei and left it to his side to let himself die, and now Dawei wants to take Mo Feifei himself.

He handed a dossier on the table to Murphy: "This is a collaboration with DK. For the next two months, you will help me complete this project."

The next two months, but she will leave at the end of the month ...

After thinking about it, she smiled slightly and said, "Director, I have something to tell you, I applied for RISD before, and I have received the admission notice a few days ago, and you also know that RISD's start time is the end of the month ,and so……"

David was extremely surprised, his eyes brightened: "Are you accepted by RISD?"

"Yes, I want to study for three years, and I will leave at the end of the month, so there is no way to complete this project with you. Thank you very much for your care during this time." Mo Feifei smiled.

"This is a good thing," Da Weixi said. "I remember that the company has a talent training plan, that is, the money you go to study for three years is paid by the company, but you must come back to work after three years."

"The company still has such projects." Mo Feifei was surprised, if he could, it would save a lot of pressure, at least not have to work while earning tuition while attending school.

"Of course, I will apply for you, but you have to hold your normal heart."

"Okay, thank you Director." Of course, Mo Feifei would not wonder, why Shang Mo didn't tell her about this plan. She thought that if Shang Mo knew she was short of money, she would probably give her a card directly.

Dawei held the idea of ​​giving it a try and called Mr. Shang. He had thought that it would take him a long time to convince Shangmo. When he didn't expect his name, Mr. Shang agreed and was shocked for a long time.

With a sigh, everyone's eyes are clear, and talents will glow everywhere.

In the afternoon, when David told Mo Feifei the good news, Mo Feifei was not happy.

She was refused when she went to visa at noon.

The reason for the refusal is that the purpose of going abroad is not simple, and the possibility of staying abroad is relatively large. She is so dizzy ... I do n’t understand where the other person sees that her purpose is not simple.

But the other party did not listen to her explanation, and waved her directly to let her out.

Two days later, Mo Feifei went again and was rejected again, and her time was too short. The other party recognized her and said that she was so unwilling to show mercy.

Could it be: ...

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