His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1362: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shen Yiren took a sip of wine and smiled bitterly.

"What can I do if you are not obsessed with it? You all know that I worked so hard for my eldest brother to return to my country after I became famous. Do you want me to give up without trying?"

"You haven't tried it, but now what do you want to do? When Xiaosan is strong in their midst?"

Shen Yiren did not like the tone of Chu Mubei, and frowned at him: "Chu Mubei, who do I say is Primary Three? When I was pursuing an eldest brother, I asked them that they were not together, and Chihiro was with me Say whatever I want, we are fair, do you understand? "

Time hurriedly soothed her: "Your people, don't be angry, Chu Mubei's mouth is so poisonous, and you don't know."

She said, taking a subconscious look at Wang Caichun.

Wang Caichun was talking to Mo Feifei at the moment, and it was a bit late to meet her like she said before: "RISD is in Providence. Because of the existence of RISD, the culture of this city is very strong. Many Americans The oldest buildings and historical traces. Can I visit you there then? "

Mo Feifei smiled and nodded to Wang Caichun: "It was OK at the time, and you are always welcome."

Time wonders: "..."

It seemed that she was not affected by anything. Wang Caichun was very indifferent. From beginning to end, she said that she didn't care. Since she didn't care, she naturally didn't love. It was probably she was thinking wrong. The cooperation between Chu Mubei and Wang Caichun was so simple. relationship.

She said to Chu Mubei, "Chu Mubei, you pay attention to the words."

Chu Mubei punished himself by a glass, then apologized to Shen Yiren: "I was wrong."

Then he eased his tone, looked at Shen Yiren, and said gravely: "Actually, I'm also good for you. If you don't believe you ask Lao Lu, the elder brother really likes Chihiro. To that day, his sniper gunner used it. Just who was opposite Su Wencheng, ambush two! "

Shen Yiren, who has always been strong, said with a frown, "But it's not my style to give up without trying. Even if I win, I won't regret it."

Time was awkward, she didn't know who to help.

Because no one seems to be wrong.

There is nothing wrong with Shen Yiren liking Big Brother. After all, everyone has the right to like someone and has the right to fight for a lover.

Therefore, Chu Mubei was not wrong. When he married Wang Caichun, he made it clear that he could find someone he likes and divorce after he found it.

And Wang Caichun herself didn't care, and she didn't need to worry about it.

But Big Brother likes Chihiro, Shen Yiren likes Big Brother, Chu Mubei likes Shen Yiren, and Wang Caichun is Chu Mubei's fake wife.

This relationship was too messy, and made her a headache, she turned her head to look at Lu Yanchen, her face looked cyanotic.

Lu Yanchen looked at her petulantly, and the smile under his eyes seemed to be a tiny rhizome, extending a little, raising his eyebrows, as if to say: Don't care about them, just try to figure it out.

Time can't laugh or cry: "..."

After the meal, Shiguang and Lu Yanchen sent Mo Feifei home. Shen Yiren left first. Chu Mubei looked at Wang Caichun. "I'll take you back?"

After drinking a little wine, Wang Caichun showed a touch of redness on her face. She smiled and said, "Okay."

The car stopped in front of Wang Caichun's apartment. Wang Caichun did not get out of the car immediately, but turned to look at Chu Mubei and said, "Chu Mubei, let's divorce!"


PS: There are a thousand chapter monthly tickets, I will add more to you in the afternoon, thank you for your monthly ticket, and finally ask for a monthly ticket ~~ Mody ~

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