His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1365: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (15)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

But Shang Mo got it. She knew it. She told him last night that her visa had been scheduled. The look at him deeply made him understand, but in fact it was a matter of time.

When he did it, he never thought about keeping her hidden.

I can't hide it ...

The frost in Shang Mo's eyes melted slightly, but there was always a trace of haze.

He sighed, "I'm wrong about the visa, because you will lose your visa because of me. I apologize to you. If you can't figure out how to ask me for help, I will definitely help."

Couldn't he hear his soft and light tone, and then he was speechless.

Her monk's brain circuit is really different.

Maybe the visa matter was just a trivial matter to him, but different to her.

She became a vegetative in high school. She always hoped that one day, she could be admitted to the ideal university in her heart. She worked hard and worked hard to read for a few days all night.

At last she got what she wanted, and she was so happy, but he suddenly pushed her from behind, scaring her almost to think she was back at the starting point.

How does this make her happy?

Moreover, even if the visa is not available, as far as he knows her, he cannot fail to know that she will not turn to him. What he thought and hoped was that she could not leave the country in the end.

And he is not too young. After thirty years, his grandmother has been urging him. It would be normal for him to want to keep her. It seems that he is not wrong.

The fault is that they are inappropriate.

She said lightly: "I can't understand your logic, maybe because I didn't show too much anger, so you don't think things matter to me, but I must tell you that I can tolerate many things, but I have no way to tolerate your violation of Yang Feng. "

Yang Feng is against the yin, it seems good on the surface, is there a black person behind ... the villain?

Shang Mo turned to look at her, her face was unbelievable, and she did not expect that she would use such a cruel and mean word to describe him.

It was the emotion he demanded. Before they were together, she said many times that she didn't like him, so when she was willing to try with him, he was particularly happy and felt that he had found one in the vast crowd. The most beautiful pearl.

He rejoiced, but was sincere, afraid that there would be something that would upset her, and then he heard her say break up.

Who is he, and how has he lowered his dignity so carefully to please a woman.

She was angry because of the visa, she was angry, she was angry at him, and he could accept it.

Maybe it was a little uncomfortable in her heart. Do something to make her understand that he cares about her. When she found out, when she was angry, he would tell her that he did not really want to stop her from studying He just wanted to marry her. After marriage, she can still go to study abroad.

As a result, she was not angry and blameless. She seemed to be experiencing the feelings of others, so she left the word "breakup" indifferently.

At this moment, he felt that he was a one-man show in this relationship, and his love was worthless in her heart.

Shang Mo stood up and said, "If I really don't want you to go and stop you completely, I won't let you know. I just want to give you everything I can, but what about you?"


PS: In the afternoon chatting in the group, I forgot the time, so it was late. This is the three chapters of the monthly ticket plus more. Continue to ask for monthly tickets. When the monthly tickets reach 2,000, crisp and add three more chapters.

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