His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1375: Waves! However, the feelings are shallow! (25)

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Chu Mubei looked at Wang Caichun and stared at her eyes, especially bright and sloppy, without any resentment and dissatisfaction, beautiful and quiet, quiet and beautiful.

She even said to him with a smile: "Yeah, come on, chase your goddess, Miss Shen is a good person."

Wang Caichun got his own divorce agreement and put it in his own bag. He waved his hands at Chu Mubei very smartly, and then left without looking back.

After Wang Caichun left, Chu Mubei kept staring at the divorce agreement placed on the coffee table.

The minute passed, and he kept staring, without any response. His cell phone was on and a call came in.

The phone was tuned into vibration, and the sound waves of vibration continued to sound.

The opponent fought again and again, tirelessly.

Chu Mubei went back to God and took the mobile phone to connect. "Okay, I know. Go right away."

He stood up, took a few steps and then stopped again, glanced back at the divorce agreement, hesitated for a moment, went back to pick it up, and then left.

Wang Caichun was driving the car. When the car stopped the red light, she stared at the window glass and saw her own image, some fuzzy faces, and her expression looked calm?

And I laughed very well today, so shouldn't I be ashamed?

When she got married, she didn't tell her friends deliberately. She was afraid that she would get divorced one day. It was also announced after the two met. Everyone knew that everyone was shocked at the time and caused a big sensation in the circle of friends.

When she divorced, she should n’t have to announce anything to the public, right?

After hesitating, Wang Caichun finally sent one in the circle of friends, without expressing his intentions, indicating that he would start a new life from now on.

The circle of friends received a lot of comments.

But Wang Caichun did not return any.

After Wang Caichun left, Mo Feifei also went out. She drove a car. She had just thought of going around and going outside, but she didn't know how to go to Shangzhai.

When she arrived, she saw that Shang Mo's car was parked outside Shang's house. She was going to greet him and saw Shang Mo manage the car, and then another person came down from the back seat.

Is a young beautiful girl.

The dress was particularly fashionable, stepping on a pair of ten-centimeter-high shoes and wearing a Chanel coat.

After she got out of the car, she smiled at Shang Mo and raised her hand with a noble temperament.

Shang Mo also smiled at the woman. The next second, he frowned, and then he turned his head slightly and looked exactly in the direction where she was.

Mo Feifei only thought that look was like a sharp arrow. She subconsciously gave a slight glance, and then somehow became nervous, as if she was caught doing something bad.

The girl also followed Shang Mo's direction, looked at her, and nodded and smiled at her. It was a greeting, elegant and generous.

After nervousness, she noticed that her mood was suddenly low, accompanied by a hint of unknown anger.

She was suddenly depressed, lost all interest in dialogue, and wanted to leave directly, but since the other party saw her, then she would naturally move forward, she walked over and said coldly: "I'm coming Get something. "

She kept staring at Shang Shang, heard the words, immediately twisted her head, and led the young girl into the house.

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