His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1391: The sour smell of love all over the world (11)

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Chu Mubei was shocked, and his body was stiff! !!

What is it? How could he have such an idea to Wang Caichun.

Before that, when she came in with Mr. Mo, he felt strange and strange.

It seems that since she signed the divorce agreement that day, after speaking to him, he felt wrong.

He couldn't understand, he couldn't understand, why did she tell him she liked him after divorce?

I drank a little wine today, a little bit on top, but he had a good drink, and usually has the reputation of not losing a thousand cups. Today, I do n’t know why. Just two small cups made him a little sleepy.

Chu Mubei put out the cigarette, and went back to his room to sleep.

When he woke up the next day, there was only him and Wang Caichun in the room. Now Wang Caichun was sitting at the table and eating.

"where are they?"

"All went out."

Chu Mubei sat down opposite her and made a cup of millet porridge to eat. After taking two sips, he tilted his head and looked at her: "How do you feel weird?"

Wang Caichun looked up at him: "Where is it strange?"

"What's in here, why is it sour and sweet?"

"Red dates, wolfberry ..."

"I said why the taste is so strange, how do you put these in the porridge?"

"Is it strange to put these? Do you know nutrition?" Wang Caichun murmured.

"Yes, yes, you know best, you know nutrition so well, but how can you still be like a Huangmao girl?" Chu Mubei said with poisonous tongue.

Wang Caichun couldn't help but give him a blank look: "Eat or not."

Then she continued to eat her, completely ignoring Chu Mubei.

Chu Mubei looked at her with a calm face: "Look at your stinky temper, like a man-in-law. If you don't change it, that man will dare you."

"That's not what you care about." Wang Caichun smirked twice.

"I'm not looking at you ..." Chu Mubei squinted at her, and the corner of her mouth caused an unclear smile.

The smile on Wang Caichun's face suddenly froze, and he looked at him seriously and said, "Stop, we have already switched between the two." Then warned him: "Don't spoil my good marriage."

"You won't be looking at that kid named Mo." Chu Mubei laughed and said clearly, "But I don't necessarily look at you as a divorced young woman."

Then "haha" laughed, joking as before.

But this time, Wang Caichun just gave him a big cold eye, and then continued to eat his own porridge.

Chu Mubei touched his nose uninterestingly. After a while, his face said disgustingly, "Wang Caichun, are you a fool?"



Isn't Mo Feifei wearing a hat and sitting in a chair outside the school waiting for Shang Mo.

Suddenly there was a dark shadow in front of her, and she raised her eyes to see a familiar face. She froze and stood up.

She was surprised: "Why are you here?"

The man faintly replied, "I know you will come here for class, so I want to come and see your school."

Couldn't he frown fretfully, how could he know that she wanted to come to class here? Maybe he kept people investigating himself.

"Chang Xiaoyang, we don't seem to be such friends who can communicate with each other often." It was not possible before, and it is even more impossible now. She already has Shangmo, naturally she can no longer entangle with another man who once had ambiguous Unclear, otherwise Shang Mo would be unhappy if he knew.

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