His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1393: The sour smell of love all over the world (13)

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Could it be a non-smiling smile, "But I'm already with him. If I didn't choose him, I wouldn't be with him without you, but when I chose him, no one would Can stop me. "

"But I am sincere to you! I can also see that you treat me ..."

"Yes, I used to like you a little bit, but that liking was deceived by you. After I left that villa, I have taken back all my likes. And, I think as long as a woman who is a little sensible, After all that happened between us, we can never choose you. "

Could it be said lightly.

Her expression was faint, her eyes were faint, but she seemed to be able to wear everything, and every word was hidden in ice.

"I'm sincere!" Chang Xiaoyang was hurt.

"Your heart is too cheap!" Mo Feifei smiled slightly, then picked up his cell phone and walked while calling Shang Mo.

Chang Xiaoyang has been standing in place, her eyes hazy to send her away.


Mo Feifei stopped at a certain distance, then shared the address with Shang Mo, and Shang Mo's car arrived soon.

After she got in the car, Shang Mo asked her, "Why did you come here suddenly, wait for me to be anxious."

Mo Feifei turned to look at him, he was a little entangled in his heart, hesitated, and decided to tell him, "Just now, I was outside the school and I met someone."

Obviously felt that her tone was not very good, Shang Mo's eyes were darkened, and she heard Mo Feifei say, "This man has some grudges with me. As for how I met him, I will slowly tell you when I go back, He told me before that he was an illegitimate child, and today he came here to tell me that he and you are half-brothers. "

After hearing that, Shang Mo, who was driving, was disfigured, and his exquisite features were full of shock. He also suddenly stopped the car.

Fortunately, there are not many cars on the road, otherwise a serious car accident will definitely occur.

Could Mo Feifei look at Shang Mo's face, it was completely overcast, and there was a dark cloud, there was a feeling of wind and rain, and the air suddenly became cold.

She shook his hand and shouted softly, "Shang Mo."

Shang Mo returned to his mind, his face slowly returned to normal, and he looked at Mo Feifei's eyes with a little doubt: "He just wanted to say this to you?"

"There are others, I can tell you afterwards, just you ..."

"I'm okay!" Shang Mo took her hand into the palm of his hand, and said, "If ... if one day you find that I'm not as perfect as you think, what will you do?"

"You actually said perfect?" Murphy looked at her quizzically.

Shang Mo smiled: "You know what I mean."

Could Feifei converge and looked at him seriously and asked, "Are you a woman outside? Or is your former girlfriend giving you an illegitimate child?"

Shang Mo was teased, "What is it possible to say nonsense?"

"That's fine, except for this. It's nothing to me." Mo Feifei shook his hand. "Well, don't be upset, drive quickly and I'll give you a gift later."

"What gift are you giving me?" Shang Mo asked as he drove.

"what do you want?"

"I want a child?" Shang Mo half-joked, but a little bit serious: "You want to give me a baby?"

Murphy said with a smile: "I am cold."

Shang Mo: "..."

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