His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1395: The sour smell of love all over the world (15)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanchen, who always loves her, always loves her. No matter how she begged him to coax him this time, he just didn't compromise and had to look at her every day and drink the last drop of medicine in the bowl.

Just thinking about the bitterness, I feel that bile is coming out ... Time hugged Lu Yanchen's arm, and shouted coquettishly: "Husband?"

Lu Yanchen looked at her petulantly, seeming to be indulgent no matter what she did, but said in his mouth, "Then you are still cold?"

The meaning is to change this **** skirt, you can take medicine without you!

Belly black man! treacherous! Time snorted at him, then took another suit, ready to change his body.

She shouted, "You must not touch me tonight ..."

"Don't touch me tomorrow night."

"Late night, late night you are still not allowed to touch me!"


Wang Caichun was holding a mobile phone, holding an apple, and walking back while texting back to Shiguang. Shiguang said she had brought her a present. The two met to meet on the first floor.

Because she just looked down at the phone, didn't look at the road, and bumped directly into the person standing in front, she quickly looked up and apologized: "I'm sorry."

The man standing with her back to her front turned and ...

Looking at each other, she immediately smiled when she saw the person opposite, "Mr. Mo, sorry."

Mr. Mo's usual indifferent tone: "It doesn't matter."

Then sit down on the living room sofa.

Wang Caichun also sat down, and then turned on the TV. When she wanted to change channels, she also first asked: "Which station do you want to watch?"

Mr. Mo waved his hand and said not to use it.

Wang Caichun casually transferred to the International Chinese Channel.

After she took the apple, she took the orange on the coffee table, peeled one, and put it in her mouth to eat, only to find that she only cared for herself and did not say hello to the people nearby.

She smiled at him: "Very sweet orange, would you like one?"

Mr. Mo still said in brief: "No."

"It's okay to eat a little bit occasionally. Oranges have more vitamins."


Wang Caichun: "..."

Ignore her again, really really cold.

There was no sound in the quiet living room. The atmosphere was suddenly quiet and embarrassing. Wang Caichun said that she should go upstairs or call time to go to her room.

Just when Wang Caichun was about to get up, she saw the time jumping downstairs, "Cai Chun ..."

When she saw Mr. Mo sitting in the living room, she was slightly surprised, and then she sat opposite and smiled and greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Mo."

Looking at the girl who smiled sunny and bright on the opposite side, Mr. Mo nodded slightly, then nodded: "Hello, Miss Shi."

"Have you eaten yet?" Time asked politely again, his eyes turning back and forth between Mr. Mo and Wang Caichun. The two seemed to have a play.

"Eat, how about you?" Mr. Mo replied, but also chatted, and Wang Caichun's jaw next to him was almost lost.

"Eat, did Mr. Mo come to my brother-in-law?" Shiguang wondered how to get the topic on Wang Caichun.

"Well, mynameisCarlisle."

Wang Caichun froze: "..."

This really surprised her, wasn't this Mr. Mo very indifferent? Can't you say nothing if you don't say anything? But how he talked so well with time, and he offered to tell her name.

Uh, uh, wouldn't this Mr. Mo want to pry at the corner of Lu Gongzi? !!


PS: I wish you all a Happy Girl's Day and ask for a monthly pass ~~

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