His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1400: The sour smell of love all over the world (20)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Mr. Mo invited the best doctor in the world to receive the best medical treatment, but it was useless. Everyone said she was only two years old.

He was eighteen years later.

Eighteen years old, is the most beautiful youth, a golden age, full of infinite youth vitality, but what is waiting for her ... how can it be unsorrowful, unfortunate.

As long as the younger sister wants it, as long as she likes it, Mr. Mo will be satisfied with her.

The girl didn't know what to expect when she was eighteen.

She looks forward to the future.

When chatting in the afternoon, the girl heard her say she was a swimmer, and immediately asked Mr. Mo, brother, can I go and watch the game?

After hearing a bunch of time, Lu Yanchen reached out and hugged her in his arms, and said lightly: "Now that medicine is more and more developed, in the past two years, maybe we can find a cure?"

"Hope." Shiguang sighed and looked at Lu Yanchen embarrassedly. "When Mr. Mo asked me for help today, I also made a small deal with him. Now I think about it, I'm not kind. You said that I should cancel the transaction and just cancel it. "

Lu Yanchen asked her, "What did you exchange?"

Time muttered a few words, and came to Lu Yanchen's ear, and said a very softly.

Lu Yanchen raised his eyebrows and replied faintly: "No need to cancel, Mr. Mo, since he promised you, he will not break his word."


At the first sight of Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo knew that his sister would like her very much.

When my sister was n’t sick before, she laughed so brightly, so she smiled. Of course, there are many and many girls who smile brightly and sunny, but only she and her sister are the most similar. When I saw her laughing that day, he was still Thought I saw my sister.

But at that time he didn't expect that his sister would like her and Miss Wang so much.

The younger sister wants to see them and wants to have a pleasant chat with them. If possible, the younger sister would definitely want to go shopping and play with them if allowed.

Wang Caichun went downstairs and saw Mr. Mo rubbing his temple with his fingers. She immediately walked over and asked: "Mr. Mo, are you all right?"

Mr. Mo raised his eyes and looked at Wang Caichun and shook his head gently.

"Time is coming down? I'll make tea for you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you, you should rarely drink Chinese Kung Fu Tea abroad. I will make you an authentic Chinese Kung Fu Tea today."

Wang Caichun prepared things, and when he came out again, he found that Chu Mubei didn't know when he came down, and was talking to Mr. Mo.

Seeing Wang Caichun holding things out, Chu Mubei said with a smile: "Ye, you can't see it, you still make tea. If I remember correctly, you'd better be lazy."

Wang Caichun really wanted to smash the tea tray in his hand onto this guy.

She ignored him and smiled at Mr. Mo: "Mr. Mo, do you like to drink black tea or Pu'er?"

Mr Mo gave a glance at Chu Mubei, then looked at Wang Caichun and said, "Call my English name, or Mo is fine."

"Now, would you like to have a cup of Pu'er?" Wang Caichun asked with a smile: "I'm most likely to make Pu'er."

Mr. Mo nodded slightly.

Chu Mubei looked at her coolly and cursed a pig in his heart: "..."

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