His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1414: The sour smell of love all over the world (34)

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If the accident is serious and the car is overturned and he is going to die, will Wang Caichun be sad, will he remember him forever, and he will never fall in love with anyone again.

Will you be happy again, and decide that your decision to divorce is right, and finally get rid of him, do not start a new relationship as a widow.

The driver in front got out of the car, knocked on his glass window outside, and asked anxiously, "Sir, are you okay?"

Chu Mu looked back to the north, lowered the window, looked at the people outside the car and said, "The injuries are serious. Please call me an ambulance."


When Wang Caichun received the call from Chu's mother, she was considering whether she would go to Provence again.

But Provence is one of the seven love mecca in the world and the most loved place for love dogs. Even the corners are exuding the sour smell of love.

If she goes, she is just looking for abuse.

Mother Chu said that when Chu Mubei was involved in a car accident, she was shocked. She was so anxious that she lost most of her blood, and immediately asked her if the injury was serious. Mother Chu just cried to get her back soon.

Is it serious? This really frightened Wang Caichun, and immediately said that he would go back immediately.

Although the divorce was not announced, the elders in the family did not know it, so she should go back anyway.

Similarly, she is also worried about Chu Mubei.

A car accident can be large or small, light or severe.

She silently prayed to God, hoping that it was only a minor car accident.

After Wang Caichun returned to China, he went directly to the hospital.

In the ward, she saw Chu Mubei, she was awake, her face was not injured, but her neck seemed not to be lightly damaged. She wore a clip and had a thick plaster on her left leg. She had an uncomfortable tiredness on her face.

Mother Chu was sitting next to her, and she was talking in a conversation mode. "You say how old you are, why don't you worry about it? Look at people like Lu Yanchen. You played so well, and grew up together. "Why don't you just study him one by one, don't let your mother worry about it."

"It's good, I know, Mom, if you're sleepy, you go back quickly." Chu Mubei said, glanced at, and saw Wang Caichun standing at the door.

There was a flash of light in the bottom of his eyes, but when he spoke, it was sour and sarcastic: "Oh, who is this ..."

Mother Chu turned her head and saw Wang Caichun, and immediately stood up: "Caichun, you are back."

Who is this? Wang Caichun said that she should not come to Chu Mubei from the plane or care about his life. She glanced at Chu Mubei secretly, then looked at Chu's mother and said with a smile: "Mom ... "

The cry was stiff.

"... What happened to Chu Mubei, was he seriously injured?"

"Fortunately, I won't die. I lie down for ten days and a half months at most," said Mother Chu, glancing at Wang Caichun's luggage beside her feet.

This is the first time I went to the hospital to see Mubei. I can see that she still has Mubei in her heart. It seems that the couple is awkward. Now it seems to be okay. The children are fine, and she is relieved.

"Cai Chun, you must be tired when you just got off the plane. Otherwise, you should go home and rest, and come to see this stinky boy tomorrow." , Ridicule and sarcasm will be in his mouth, and his wife should be divorced.

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