His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1419: The sour smell of love all over the world (39)

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After the two mothers left, Wang Caichun bowed her head with her shoulders soft and frustrated.

This made Chu Mubei suspect again. When divorced, Wang Caichun said that he liked him because he was rectifying him. In this marriage, if she did not like him, he really didn't see where she liked him.

If you really like someone, you can forget it wherever you say it, but depending on where she is now, there will be a bit of cowardice.

Chu Mubei said lightly, "Water."

Wang Caichun turned to look at the expressionless man, got up and poured a glass of warm water, and then handed it to Chu Mubei.

Chu Mubei did not answer, but opened his mouth slightly, which meant that Wang Caichun fed him.

Wang Caichun's eyes widened, "You hurt your leg, not your hand. Don't treat yourself as disabled?"

Chu Mubei twisted her head proudly: "So unwilling, then you go."

Wang Caichun's eyes brightened: "Really?"

Chu Mubei smiled, but it was fake and cold: "Since we are having a scandal, but it will definitely be noticed. If you leave and get photographed, the title will definitely be" Chu Shao was injured and hospitalized , Wang Caichun is alone and chic, and the marriage is broken is not a rumor! "At that time, the company's stock price fell again, you don't blame me."

Wang Caichun said angrily: "I will never drop my dad's stock price, right?"

"I am an entertainment company. I will stir up the company's star scandal. As long as there is a topic, the stock price will not be affected, but your dad's company will be different ..."

After Chu Mubei said it, she smiled unpredictably, then looked down at her mobile phone.

Whatever you look like.

Wang Caichun stared at him with a deep face, why did he feel that he was happy and joyful in his words, and looked like he was bubbling away with her.

Yes, she was unwilling to go, not to his satisfaction.

Wang Caichun also took out his hand and swipe Weibo.

Brushing and brushing ... She brushed up to Chu Mubei to use him, and the Weibo certified account (Chu Mubei: XX Entertainment CEO) posted a Weibo.

[Chu Mubei: Thanks to my wife for taking care of her daily. Heart heart heart heart heart

There are two pictures below, one is a photo taken by Chu Mubei while she was cooking in the kitchen.

Another one was taken for them while they were in Rhode Island, and the two stood facing each other.

Wang Caichun said that she didn't like this one, and that moment of snapping was a little silly. But Chu Mubei took this photo very well. The sun fell on his face, making him look very handsome.

This Weibo was reposted by their company and several very hot artists, whether it was just for fun or enthusiasm. Anyway, all the brushes were: not mean, the boss took the lead in showing affection.

Chu Mubei was originally handsome and had a high popularity on the Internet. It is no secret that he got married. Even so, there are still a group of fans who call her husband under his Weibo every day.

A lot of comments and reposts.

The two were immediately sent to Hot Search.

"Ah, ah, husband, you are so showy and loving. Where are you on the rooftop, I'm here, no one of you should pull me."

"Vancaocaocao! So excited! My husband posted Weibo. After watching the Weibo content, I stepped on the horse ... excited almost hit the wall !!"

"My sun !! How can it be so romantic! Mom's woman is so happy that she took my husband away."

"Ah !! Heaven owes me a Chu Mubei!"

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