His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1442: To love you, lingering in the bone (22)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanzhi came out of the bath and wore a white vest to expose the muscles on his shoulders and arms. He lay down beside Su Qianyi with a sense of presence. Su Qianyi was immediately frightened, and he sat up alert: "You do n’t have to work ?"

"Working now." It meant he was on a mission to protect her.

"Can I apply for personal protection." Su Qianyi felt that she was using public money for personal gain.

"No." Lu Yanzhi put his hands under his head, looking at him leisurely.

"Uh ..." Su Qianji frowned, suddenly anxious, suddenly anxious, and said anxiously: "I think I need to find your leader and have a good chat."

Lu Yanzhi said, "I am the leader."

Su Qianji squinted at him: "Then I want to find your boss."

Lu Yan's lips were lingering, and his voice was stained: "My boss is my dad, and he will see you long ago, after all, you are Xiaobai's mother."

Su Qianyu: "..."

Obviously, when she talked about business, she switched to a private matter. She was completely speechless, and gave Lu Yan a slap in the waist. He didn't move, but she felt a pain in her hands and went out of bed in discouragement.

Not long after, Lu Yan changed his clothes and asked her if she was hungry. If she was hungry, she would take her to dinner. The army had a special cafeteria, and it was also a lunch time.

Su Qianyi was a little embarrassed, so she shook her head. She was not hungry, she didn't want to go, and felt embarrassed.

Lu Yanzhi didn't force it, so he went out to the cafeteria alone, and prepared to have dinner and return to the house to accompany her to eat.

Su Qianxuan looked at the back of his departure, thinking back to the days of this time, she was actually not exclusive to his existence, but also had some likes.

Can they get married then?

For this, Su Qianji is a little confused. She should like Lu Yanzhi very much. She used to like it, but she likes it a bit recently. If she likes it, then she loves it?

If you love, you can get married, not to mention there is a little white between them ...

Speaking of Xiaobai, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't seen Xiaobai all afternoon and had to eat now. Why didn't Xiaobai come back?

She wanted to go out and look for Xiaobai. In the aisle of the apartment building, she met several family members of the military officer, who had just returned for a meal.

When she saw her, she greeted her immediately.

"Comrade Chihiro, your real person looks better than photogenic. I like your movie."

"Comrade Chihiro, when will you and the land team get married?"

"Where is the wedding? Do you want one in the military?"

"Don't forget to ask us."

"Remember the candy."

Su Qianyu could only smile awkwardly all the time, and did not know how to answer. Fortunately, everyone just talked casually and then went home for dinner.

Xiaobai finally ran back, and he heard the words of the aunts from afar. He kept asking Su Qianzhang and asked her when she would marry her father.

Su Qiandi suddenly felt a sense of forced marriage by the whole people.

Not just getting married, Xiaobai will go to elementary school next year. By that time, my mother will also write her name.


Anyway, she is also a big boss. After her engagement with Ishizawa was not completed, Ishizawa came to her and said that she hoped that she could give him a chance to reconsider the cooperation between them.

Later, she and Lu Yan held together, and Ishizawa never appeared again, and remained in Kyoto.

In today's society, marriage is not as important as it was before.

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