His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1446: To love you, lingering in the bone (26)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

What kind of stimulation is this? Forget it, he always knew that Lu Yanzhi stared at her silently, her dark eyes were so deep, after a moment, he compromised: "Okay, I'll let you go back, Xiaobai, I will take him back tomorrow, okay? "

Seeing him agree, Su Qianyu felt even more uncomfortable. She didn't know where it was.

She was just uncomfortable. Why didn't Lu Yanzhi quarrel with her as before, and the feeling of being punched on cotton, let alone how boring.

She would prefer Lu Yanzhi to make two sentences as before.

But she was not masochistic.

Her eyes were astringent, and she resisted tears. She was sent to the car by Lu Yan, without saying a word or watching Lu Yan. After the car was out of the barracks, she could not help crying, although she was hiding Crying, but the brother Bing who drove in front still saw it.

After sending Su Qianyu to a safe place, Bing's brother immediately called Lu Yan to report.

Hearing Su Qianyi crying all the way, Lu Yan was unhappy and frowned.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the computer, which contained the recent call records of Time, and the last two calls were made by Shen Yiren within ten minutes.

What did Shen Yiren tell her?

Pregnant ... child ...


Su Qiandi didn't want to go to see Shen Yiren alone, so he called Shiji, and time was just free, thinking that Chihiro had asked her to go shopping for dinner. When he met, he found that Su Qianyi was boring and very unhappy.

Ask her what's wrong, her eyes are still red.

Time frightened. This was Su Qianyu, who she had never seen before. She asked quickly: "You haven't gone to the army with your elder brother, why did you suddenly come back and fight with your elder brother?"

Su Qianji nodded directly: "It's not a quarrel anymore. He's not angry. It's me who is angry."

Time opened her mouth in surprise: "What a fight ..." This is awkward, and she often does.

Su Qianyi groaned casually: "He is selfish and arrogant, unreasonable, and masculine, whatever he wants, and sometimes he is super fierce, and he doesn't know if he will hit his wife in the future."

Time faltered, then grinned, and said, "Impossible, you don't want to think about it. Brother is not the kind of person. Lu Yanchen and I also quarreled. He was terrible when he became fierce, and I also Afraid of his domestic violence, but now it seems that there is also domestic violence. "

"Lu Yanchen hit you." Su Qiandi was startled.

"I hit Lu Yanchen, haha ​​~~"

Time deliberately said this, just to make Su Qianzhang happy, but in the end, Su Qianzhang didn't feel funny at all, but he twitched his lips, and time laughed awkwardly.

She shook Su Qianyi's hand and said, "Brother is a bit overbearing, but he is good to you ..."

Su Qianji interrupted her: "Where is it?

Time was stunned, as if listening to Tianfang Night Lake: "..."

"You know that Shen Yiren likes him. Shen Yiren is pregnant and said it was his child. Then he asked me to talk."

Time almost fell from the chair: "Shen Yiren doesn't look like he would lie on this, but the elder brother is not such a messy man. Will there be any misunderstanding in the middle?"

Su Qianxian frowned slightly, and there was an indescribable irritability in the enchanting Feng's eyes: "Whether it's misunderstanding or not, I'm just unhappy now, and I'm just uncomfortable!"


ps: Little lovers have been awkward, shouldn't they? Find a monthly ticket ~

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