His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1480: Pure desire to move, married for love (20)

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Shang Mo is really angry about Chang Xiaoyang's return to Shang's family, but Grandma Shang is so careful in front of him, hoping to see her face, so that Chang Xiaoyang can stay in Shang's family, how can he be determined? Against.

In the quiet study room, Shang Mo stood indifferently in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his face pale.

After a while, the door of the study was pushed open, and Dashan came in. Shang Mo turned and sat down at the desk.

Da Shan put the information in front of Shang Mo. After Shang Mo read the information, he signed it to Da Shan. Da Shan, holding the information, didn't leave immediately. Shang Mo looked up at him and seemed to ask him what else was going on.

Da Shanxi said: "When I came up just now, I heard that Chang Xiaoyang was talking to the old lady. Although he didn't say anything clearly, it meant that he wanted to go to Shang, sir ..." Shouldn't there be a way, Let Chang Xiaoyang leave Shang's home.

When "Rong Mo" first arrived at Shang's house, Mr. Shang thought he was an illegitimate child, but he didn't make her life easier.

Shang Mo sneered: "He wants to join Shang, okay, see if he has that ability."

Dashan: "The old lady didn't bother, but he shouldn't give up, there must be other means."

Of course, Shang Mo also knows that Chang Xiaoyang has done a good job, but now Grandma likes him very much, and he knows pharmacology. With his help, Grandma's health has really improved a lot recently.

More importantly, Mo Feifei had previously told him that regarding the "amnesia", he was afraid that his means would be too obvious and would make Chang Xiaoyang use his grandma medicine.

"About him, you just have to keep people staring."

"Okay, sir."

Da Shan turned to leave, but was stopped by Shang Mo: "Wait."

He got up and went out, led Da Shan to his bedroom, and took a box to Da Shan: "Post this to her by international courier."

This "her" naturally does not need to be explained by Shang Mo, and Dashan also knows who it is.

When the strange artwork was photographed the other day, Dashan knew that Shang Mo had prepared it for him.

If it wasn't for Chang Xiaoyang, Mr. Shang would go directly to Rhode Island to find Miss Feifei with a gift.

When Shang Mo returned to the study, he saw a woman holding his mobile phone, and seemed to be answering the phone. Shang Mo's eyes were cold and gloomy, "What are you doing here?"

The woman was startled and looked back at Shang Mo.

Seeing that she was holding her mobile phone, Shang Mo's eyebrows were even colder, and her dark eyes were broken, like a wolf.

The woman was frightened.

Shang Mo grabbed the mobile phone in her hand directly, looked at the number, and gave a cold look at the woman, before going out to speak to the person on the phone: "Fei Fei ..."

Could it be a faint hum.

She clearly called Shang Mo's personal mobile phone, which Shang Mo usually carried personally, but in the end a woman picked it up, originally thinking it was a secretary or something.

But the woman said, "Amo went to take a shower, or you'll call again later ..."

Take a bath? So what is the relationship between the two?

Shang Mo explained: "I just returned to my room and my phone was in the study."

Mo Feifei said, "But she said you went to take a shower."

"You believe what others say?" Shang Mo asked softly, and said, "Rest assured, it's just a person who is not important, and I will deal with it."

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