His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1483: Do n’t forget, do n’t forget (3)

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At this moment I saw Zhao Xinai finally came home. Mother Zhao was full of doubts and worries, and said anxiously, "You die, do you really want to anger me? How can you say that divorce Divorced, just for a Shang Mo, are you worth it? "

Zhao Xinai turned pale, biting her lip and said, "Mom, I like Shang Mo. It hasn't changed for so many years. When you got married, you counted me. If it weren't because you gave me that glass of wine, I would also It is impossible to betray Shangmo ... "

Seeing her obsessed, Zhao's mother was irritated with chest pain.

She sighed, "But Shang Mo doesn't like you anymore. Do you know that if it wasn't for the ten-year project in Tianya City, the Shang family would have no contact with our family, would you?"

Zhao Xinai shook his head: "No, he has never been married, just waiting for me."

Mother Zhao said, "But I heard Annie said that he already has a girlfriend, that is Rong Mo, who is said to be a woman. The two were already together, and what did your dad do that year, don't you know? You died That heart. "

Silent for half a second, she said stubbornly: "Mom, I have decided, I want happiness, don't you want me to be happy, mom?"

Mother Zhao walked over and held her hand on Zhao Xin'ai's shoulder. "If you can be happy, your mother will do everything for you. But your monk Mo is really impossible. It won't be won if you fight for it."

Zhao Xinai bowed her head. "How can you know without trying it?"

Mother Zhao looked at her with anxiety, "Don't make it wrong in the end, and offend Shang Mo, now Shang Mo is already the hairy kid."

"No, I can feel that Shang Mo still likes me, he will not hurt me, I have confidence, I will definitely get his love again ..."

Zhao Father Zhao, who had been sitting on the sofa, raised his hand and swept the cup on the coffee table in front of him. Zhao Xinai's voice stopped abruptly. He looked at Zhao Qian anxiously and shouted, "Dad!"

Zhao Qianjin stood up, walked in front of Zhao Xinai, and slapped her directly on the face.

Zhao Xin'ai's face was beaten aside, but her strength was not heavy and there were no red marks on her face. She turned to look at him: "Dad, don't you want me to be with him?"

"This slap is for beating you, no matter if the Zhao family has to divorce, it will cause heavy losses in the company's shares !!"

Zhao Qianjin said, holding his hands on Zhao Xin'ai's shoulder: "But since this marriage has already left, then I want to ask you whether you want to marry Shang Mo or an illegitimate child of the Shang family."

Zhao Xinai busyly replied: "Chang Xiaoyang and I are just acting, we each take what we need."

Zhao Qianjin said: "No matter who you are, you will only be married to Shang's president."

Mother Zhao was stunned when she heard what she said. "Husband, you ..."

Zhao Qianjin looked at her coldly: "The beloved marriage has already left, and it is impossible to go back! Since she likes Shang Mo so much, let them be together."

Mother Zhao frowned, and said uneasily, "You almost almost took advantage of the Shang family's accident that year. Do you think Shang Mo can still like us?"

Zhao Qianjin snorted coldly: "So what, if Shang Mo's kid can't succeed, he dares not to succeed with me, and don't want to think that if there is no affection under my hands, can I still have a current family?"

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