His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1491: Don't forget, don't forget (11)

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"What are you doing ..." Mother Zhao said in a panic, worried, afraid that the two sisters would fight.

Zhao Xin'ai comforted Zhao's mother, then walked to Zhao Anni and said softly, "Annie, for so many years, if Shang Mo liked you, I would have been with you long ago. I have been supporting you all these years, but in the end you Lost to a non-financial, "

She held Zhao Anni ’s hand. "And you said, he won't love you. He doesn't love that Mo Feifei. The person Shang Mo loves is always me. As long as I say, Shang Mo will listen to me. . "

Zhao Anni's complexion was slightly better, she really hated Mo Feifei.

It is hoped that Shang Mo can abandon Mo Feifei mercilessly, and the only person who may let Shang Mo do this is Zhao Xinai.

She thought for a moment and asked, "Will you leave Shang Mo after that?"

Zhao Xin'ai smiled lightly: "Shang Mo is not the kind of man who has given up all the time. If he wants to give up if he has to stay with me, there is only one way."

"What is it?" Zhao Anni asked quickly.

Zhao Xinai said, "He is pregnant with a child that belongs to me and him. As long as there is this child, Shang Mo will definitely be with me. At that time, Annie, do you still want me to give Shang Mo to you?" ? "

Anni Zhao knew that it would definitely not work. At that time, she was still robbing Shang Mo with Zhao Xinai, and her dad would break her leg.

But why is pregnant Zhao Zhao beloved? It can also be her Zhao Anni. As long as she is pregnant with Shang Mo's child, Grandma Shang's longing for great-grandchildren will surely let Shang Mo marry her immediately.

But in the face, Zhao Xinai didn't say anything, but just said in a stupid way: "If you have to choose between you and Mo Feifei, then I definitely support your sister."

Mother Zhao, on the other side, stared at the sisters dumbfounded and said with a headache: "Beloved, Annie, what are you going to do, your mother must tell you that the girl must be clean and self-conscious."

Anni Zhao said disapprovingly, "Mom, what age is it?"

Zhao Qianjin's voice sounded: "Yes, my father supports you in this matter."

"Go forward, how can you teach your child this way?" Zhao mother exclaimed, Zhao Qianjin immediately glared at her, she is a traditional woman, she can only shut up obediently and dare not say a word.

Zhao Qianjin looked at Zhao Xinai and said, "As long as you are pregnant with Shang Mo's child, don't be afraid of anything. He will marry you. If you don't, you must marry!"

Zhao Xinai and Zhao Anni smiled at each other, each with their own thoughts.

Wake up the next day, the first thing is to ask the sea Shang Mo's itinerary, the sea said that the news received should be accessible today, Shang Mo should be able to leave South Africa.

Even if you come back, it will be late at night. In the afternoon, Mo Feifei decided to take a look at Yan Zi.

Two months ago, Yan Zi woke up. At that time, she was in Rhode Island and only let time visit her instead. Now coming back to Kyoto, she must go to see her.

The first person Yan Zi woke up to was Shi Ze, knowing that when she was unconscious, the person who had been caring for her in the hospital was Shi Ze, but since she woke up, Shi Ze disappeared.

Grandma Shang had seen her, and she had also seen her in time. Although she was a little uncomfortable, she thanked her.

During her coma, a lot of things happened. Rong Mo had recovered her identity, Su Ya was disabled, Su Wencheng was in jail ... It seemed that the storms and storms had passed.

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