His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1498: Do n’t forget, do n’t forget (18)

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The weather was getting better and better, the breeze was blowing, and it was warm on the face.

In the quiet garden, Mo Feifei and Yan Zi lay in their chairs in the sun, "when will Mr. Shang be back?"

Could Fei Fei shook his head.

"Don't know? Didn't he give you a specific time?"

"I couldn't reach her, the wireless signal was blocked."

"Is that safe?"

"The sea says that Shang Mo is still quite open there. Several forces will give him face, but the outside of the factory is beating, and the bullets do not have eyes."

The two were chatting, Chang Xiaoyang stepped in, and there was a woman next to her, in a long and elegant dress.

Yan Zi asked Murphy: "Who is that?"

Mo Feifei replied: "Zhao Xinai, Chang Xiaoyang's current girlfriend is also Shang Mo's previous girlfriend."

Yan Zi was surprised: "Wow, what are you doing?"

She did n’t believe that Chang Xiaoyang would like to make Zhao Zhao ’s girlfriend because he liked this girl, and she could see that Chang Xiaoyang clearly liked Mo Feifei, so Chang Xiaoyang took Shang Mo ’s former Calling his girlfriend, we can see his intent.

Mo Feifei also knows that the other party has a conspiracy and scheming, but he doesn't show half of the fear, but just said lightly: "No matter what they do, I will not let them succeed."

Yan Zi shook her hand: "I will help you."

Mo Feifei smiled slightly: "Thank you, but there is nothing to help you, you should hurry to find your house, if you can, see your mother, I know you want to see her."

Yan Zi's face sank: "No, that woman has nothing to do with me."

Although she gave her life, but also because of her, she had a rough and tragedy day, lost her closest and most favorite father, and loved the most, and became an enemy who could not live forever.

I always thought it was her mother, but it was a bit emotional. As a result, she stared at the Su family. Her mother did not hesitate to abandon her. When she was unconscious, she didn't even look at her, just because she was afraid to offend the Su Ya family, because she was afraid that her life would be bad.

"Going to see her is not necessarily because of forgiving her. There is something to say, I'm relieved to see if you've been bad."

"talk later."

Yan Zixiu frowned, knowing that Mo Feifei said so only because of her heart.

However, she has decided that she will never see Su Liping again in her life.

Besides, Mo Feifei has a wolf before and a tiger. Although Mo Feifei does not want her to help, she still cannot leave.

It must be clever, but no matter how clever people can't hold back some despicable means.

"Fei Fei, you can continue to bask in the sun, I'll go in and sleep."

Speaking, without waiting for Murphy to reply, she got up ... After entering the room, she looked around.

Where did Chang Xiaoyang lead the woman, and I do n’t know where the cat was, and discussed some unscrupulous plots and tricks.

She was going to enter the room, and a woman's voice rang in her ear, with some unpleasant tone, "Chang Xiaoyang, what are you doing?"

Chang Xiaoyang was about to speak. Yu Guang glanced at Yan Zi and shut up immediately.

When Zhao Xinai saw that an outsider was present, or a strange woman, he immediately grinned a gentle smile: "Hello."

Yan Zi wanted to laugh or not, with a touch of ridicule on her face, she looked at Chang Xiaoyang and said, "I want to talk to you."

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