His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1501: Don't forget, don't forget (21)

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When Chang Xiaoyang woke up again, there was a soft crying sound in his ear, and his headache was sore. He sat up and found that he was still in Yanzi's room.

It's just that her room is no longer just him and Yan Zi, but also grandma Shang, Zhao Xinai, and Mo Feifei! !!

He rose stupidly from the bed, his face pale.

I was trying to explain, but before the words came out, I saw Yan Zi looking scared, lying behind Murphy and crying louder.

Chang Xiaoyang's face was blue and white, his hands clenched into fists. Just want to slap this woman.

Looking at the mighty Chang Xiaoyang, Mo Feifei stood in front: "What do you want to do?"

Chang Xiaoyang took a breath and said, "I didn't do anything. She said she wanted to talk to me. When she came in, she poured me wine, but she took medicine in the wine, and then she tore herself. Clothes in order to get me wrong ... "

Yan Zi didn't make any excuses, but she cried even harder, her body trembling, her dark pupils were all afraid and flustered.

Zhao Xin'ai walked in front of Chang Xiaoyang, his face was extremely ugly: "Ms. Yan just said you wanted to be wrong with her, and also said to her that even if it was discovered, you are not afraid, just tell everyone that you are taking medicine, then It may be tempting to seduce you, but there is no medicine in the wine ... "

Chang Xiaoyang had originally prepared a full explanation, but at this moment it is impossible to say one.

It seems that Yan Zi had already planned it, and everything is seamless, no matter what he says, it will become sophistry.

"Yan Zi, I really can't see it. You actually took your bait!" Chang Xiaoyang looked at Yan Zi fiercely, roaring uncontrollably, "You are not afraid to pretend to be raped, and one day you will be Rape !!! "

There was a strong warning in the cold tone.

"Shut up !!" Grandma Shang yelled at Chang Xiaoyang, she looked at Yan Zi and said, "I'm sorry, Azi."

Yan Zi said pitifully, "Grandma, Chang Xiaoyang gave Feifei medicine before, which caused Amnesia to help Feiya want to kill Feifei, and even harmed me and Feifei in a car accident. Let me be in the hospital. After lying for so long, after Su Ya was in jail, I thought it was over, but I still refused to let me go, and wanted to insult me ​​... "

After all, the tears were like falling pearls.

Crying so desperate and helpless, the body seemed to have lost its support, leaning softly on Mo Feifei, the whole person seemed to have collapsed!

Grandma Shang never thought of how many things happened between Chang Xiaoyang and Feifei, and Yanzi.

No wonder the two felt strange when they first met.

Grandma Shang felt heart suffocation and uncomfortable.

Could Feifei be startled, and immediately moved forward: "Grandma, how are you?"

Others cared for it.

Chang Xiaoyang pulled Yan Zi away, couldn't hold back the irritability and anger in his heart, and cursed, "Go! You shameless viper woman, if it weren't for you, your grandma wouldn't be like this, don't take good leave here. "

Yan Zi immediately fell to the ground. Grandma Shang was so angry that she could not breathe. She covered her chest with one hand and Chang Xiaoyang with one finger: "You ... Get out!"

Chang Xiaoyang shouted, "Grandma."

Could Feifei be angry with Chang Xiaoyang: "Go out !!"

Chang Xiaoyang squinted his fist and stared at Mo Feifei ...

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