His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1504: Never lose, never forget, not yet wrong (24)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Mo Feifei blinked and looked at the man in front of him, still feeling in a dream.

A heart fluttered uncontrollably, and in order to determine the truth, she reached out and touched the man's face. It was a warm feeling, so it was not a dream, but a real existence.

She was startled and immediately sat up with the man: "Shang Mo, why are you back?"

In the morning, the sea also said that he was trapped in South Africa, and it was difficult to get in touch. Why was she in her arms at night?

Shang Mo's slender fingers gently scratched her nose: "You can return to China suddenly and want to surprise me, why can't I return to China to surprise you suddenly?"

Mo Feifei took a breath and said, "I wanted to surprise you, but you gave me a shock."

Shang Mo's warm palm gently held her face: "If I knew you would come back, I would not go to South Africa."

"Fortunately, there is no danger, and grandma is very worried about you. If you know that you are back, you will be very happy." Then she said something about what happened in Shang family today.

When she heard that Yan Zi was so calculating, Chang Mo raised an eyebrow and said, "Let her not find a house. There is a two-bedroom apartment in the city. She can live anytime she wants."

"Uh." Murphy didn't immediately know what to say.

"Don't tell grandma about my return."

"Huh?" Murphy was surprised.

"I also read the information you asked the sea to check, so I want to investigate this matter first."

"Okay." Mo Feifei smiled like a flower, stretched his hands around his neck, and kissed his lips.

She rarely took the initiative to affectionately with him, and Shang Mo felt a joy, immediately reached out and held her in her arms, biting her tongue hungrily, and the hot and humid kisses fell slowly and fell in love with her. Chin, neck, collarbone ...

Other people's desires were getting heavier, and the heavy breathing sprayed out, as if she could burn her body.

Ca n’t continue anymore, afraid that Shang Mo would not hurt the child if he was not light or heavy. Could he resist the chill in his heart and put his hand on his shoulder, “Shang Mo, wait, I have an important thing to tell you . "

"You can choose to talk or do it later," Shang Mo's epilogue was extremely long, her voice was **** and charming, she spoke seductively and kissed her lips.

Mo Feifei panted twice, looked at him seriously and said, "No, you have to talk first, very important thing."

He was all over his body. Didn't he notice that her stomach was slightly protruding when she lay down? Why not doubt anything?

The dignified tone swept through the heartstrings, and Shang Mo slowly became tense all over, thinking that something important had happened, watching Mo Feifei let her say.

Couldn't be more shy, a little uneasy, and whispered, "Don't get too messy, I'm pregnant."

Shang Mo was very happy at first, and it was great to be pregnant, but then she froze, staring deeply at Mo Feifei, and the storm at the bottom of her eyes condensed instantly, like a landslide.

She is pregnant? They haven't seen each other for so long. How did she get pregnant?

Thinking about this, he almost blurted out: "What, you are pregnant, how did you get pregnant?"

The original shameful and restless Mo Feifei, full of excitement, Mo Feifei, a heart sinking into the abyss instantly, she frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

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