His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1507: Don't forget, don't forget (27)

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Although reluctantly, Shang Mo still let the sea send Mo Feifei back to his house, so as not to cause people to suspect that he had already returned to China.

Mo Feifei sat in the car and looked at Shang Mo, who was getting farther and farther, and his nose suddenly became sore.

Maybe he didn't show up. He didn't really want to investigate anything, but more to verify. How hard he came, it wasn't worth it.

If there is no blood relationship, what will he pay for this family is not as important as a so-called blood relative, a casual sentence.

Love is heavy?

Or is heavier?

It has been an indistinguishable problem since ancient times.

But what if this data from Chang Xiaoyang's investigation is fake?

Shang Mo is the child of Shang family. If grandma believes the content in the information, the feelings between their grandparents will also be a kind of injury.

Alas, Shang Mo really has an opinion on grandma and let Chang Xiaoyang return to Shang's home.

Could it be that Mo Feifei understands Shang Mo's plan, and his heart is mixed.

She returned to Shang's house and saw Chang Xiaoyang in the living room. She was wearing a dark suit and tie, and looked like a gentleman.

Could Feifi subconsciously think of Yan Zi? Yesterday Yan Zi was so calculated that Chang Xiaoyang, how could Chang Xiaoyang not be willing to give up, today would not be ... uh, almost forgot, when she went out yesterday, Yan Zi also went out It was said in the mouth that she would not see her mother again, but after all, she went, so she did not return to Shang family last night like her.

In this case, there is no nonsense to talk to Chang Xiaoyang too much, she was trying to go straight upstairs, Chang Xiaoyang's voice sounded behind her back.

"No non."

Could Fei Fei settle down for a second, turned his head to watch Chang Xiaoyang rush forward.

If she didn't stand still, Chang Xiaoyang would surely hold him again. Now she doesn't want to drag him around, just look at what he wants to say.

Chang Xiaoyang stared at him. "Did you let Yan Zi do this yesterday?"

"What do you want to ask me?" Murphy didn't want to explain anything.

"I'm not trying to question you, it's just your cleverness. You can't see it. Nothing happened between me and her. All this is just that she's calculating me, so I want to ask you something. Does it have anything to do with you? Are you unwilling to explain it? "Chang Xiaoyang's eyes were full of melancholy, and she didn't even want to say a word to him.

"You found it in your heart, why do you need me to explain?" Mo Feifei asked him in a nonchalant tone.

Chang Xiaoyang said: "I didn't. I will ask you this way today, just because Yan Zi said to me that day too ... In short, I just want to remind you and hope you be careful about Yan Zi."

Could it be that the corners of the mouth just go round and don't take it for granted.

Chang Xiaoyang continued: "Do you know what she said to me that day? She said that she can help me get you. In the heart of that kind of person, there is nothing other than interest, she is not really good to you People. "

Could Feifei ask him, "She is not the one who treats me sincerely, is it true that you are the one who treats me really well?"

Chang Xiaoyang trembled: "Of course, how much I love you, you ca n’t possibly wonder, even if the opposition, I never really hurt you, I really do n’t understand why in the end, the person you hate most Is it me? "

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