His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1513: Don't forget, don't forget (33)

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There was a feeling in Zhao Xinai's heart that Shang Mo should be back, but he did not want to appear in front of everyone.

Mo Feifei left the hospital at this moment, and the first thought came out to see Shang Mo. After all, Grandma Shang was still in the hospital. She left at this time. If she didn't return to Shang's home, she should go to see Shang Mo.

However, she decided to go out and take a look secretly, just with a mentality of trying, but did not expect that she actually saw Shang Mo.

Seems to know that Mo Feifei returned, and he came out of the room. He should know that Mo Feifei came back, walked to her, and embraced her in his arms, giving him a passionate kiss.

Later, holding her into the house again.

This series of movements is naturally smooth, obviously not the first time.

Tall and upright man, embracing beautiful woman, full of tenderness, like a loving young couple.

Zhao Xin'ai was full of emotions, and she just stared at it like that, unbelievable. Is this really a man like Bingyu?

Over the years, he has become more and more excellent. He was not the same as he is now. He is not as dazzling as he is now, nor is he so powerful and wealthy.

His face was indifferent and his whole body was strong, as if he didn't look at everything, he was so cold and arrogant, but he did have high capital.

But wouldn't he be so powerful because of her?

Isn't his cold because of her?

Shouldn't it also be warmed by her? Why is he completely different in front of Murphy?

It was so difficult that she wanted to understand now, would it be like him? Did you miss the best guy now? No, he grew up because she was always with him, because with her he will become better and better, so he should belong to her.

Seeing Mo Feifei coming out of the villa, Zhao Xinai sent a message to Mo Feifei's mobile phone: "If you don't want people to know that Shang Mo is back, go to the Xiyue Cafe in front."

Didn't Murphy know that Zhao Xinai would find her, but she didn't think it would be so fast. It seemed that she had been waiting outside the villa.

Let the sea send her to the cafe, she let the sea wait for her outside, and went in alone.

At a card seminar in the cafe, the two sat face to face. On the table was a pot of brewed coffee and two cups.

Zhao Xinai picked up the glass in front of him, gently garnished two mouthfuls, and said, "Why do you conceal the news of A Mo's return, what is your idea?"

Mo Feifei smiled and said calmly, "I think you are probably wrong. It is not that I want to hide the news of Shang Mo's return, but that Shang Mo does not want everyone to know the news of his return."

Zhao Xinai looked coldly at the woman sitting opposite her. She was smiling lightly, and her body exuded a pure and peaceful beauty.

It felt like she wasn't attacking, and even made her feel weak and vulnerable.

But every time I confronted her, even if she didn't say anything, she just smiled lightly, but she could make herself feel a kind of strong pressure, like the coldness in her back.

What is scary is not a woman clinging to Shang Mo.

Thinking about it that way, her tone was strong again: "It must be that you let A Mo not tell everyone that he is back. In order to prevent me and A Mo from meeting, why can't you be more interesting, Shang Mo doesn't like you."

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