His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1525: Don't forget, forget it (45)

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Mo Feifei evoked a slight smile and said lowly: "I purposely let Zhao Xinai know that Shang Mo is back. I want to see Zhao Xinai's reaction. Sure enough, she came to provoke me. I deliberately provoked her and said that she didn't deserve it. She's definitely not convinced of Shang Mo's love, she turned to find Shang Mo, so I told the sea that if Zhao Xinai went to Shang Mo, let him go straight ... "

Yan Zi's eyes were even more surprised: "You also deliberately let Zhao Xinai go to see Shang Mo, you don't worry about them ..."

After all they were lovers.

Mo Feifei's eyes were still faint: "I have something to worry about. Before I returned, Zhao Xinai often appeared in Shang family. I should see the monk Mo know how many faces. If Shang Mo wants to have something with her, It has already happened, of course, you can also treat Shang Mo as I am. "

Yan Zi's eyelids suddenly jumped, in case something really happened, okay ... thankfully nothing happened.

"Zhao Xinai didn't do well with my monk Mo, and would definitely be furious to find Chang Xiaoyang." Mo Feifei's face was slightly heavy, and if she could, she didn't want things to go to this point.

"Chang Xiaoyang told his grandmother before that Shang Mo was not a child of Shang's family. After hearing that, Grandma kept swaying. She didn't know what Chang Xiaoyang said to her at the end. Grandma actually let him into Shang's. It was n’t announced, and it was still on the sidelines, but it was only a matter of time. Chang Xiaoyang originally only needed to wait, provided that Shang Mo did n’t return, but at this time Zhao Xinai told her that Shang Mo was back and had already I have been back for a few days, but Shang Mo did n’t announce it. Chang Xiaoyang definitely has an idea at this time. He may also pretend that he does n’t know anything, but I can be sure he wo n’t, because he knows Shang Mo is anxious. I am afraid that he has no time. He does not want to be able to enter Shangshi at this juncture. Similarly, he is also worried that Shang Mo is back and not appearing. There is a conspiracy that counts against him. Chang Xiaoyang is absolutely not allowed, and he is not allowed to let He is in a passive position, so he will inevitably take the initiative to make Grandma Shang's heart more biased, it is best to let him enter Shang's immediately. "

Yan Zi touched his chin and asked suspiciously: "How do you know that they are going to be a ghost today ..."

Mo Feifei spread his hand: "I don't know, but Chang Xiaoyang wants to change the status quo and want to know what Shang Mo is doing, then he can't wait any longer because he is afraid that there is not enough time, so he should take the shot in these two days. , I just need to wait and see, and then find the right opportunity to take advantage of the situation. "

Yan Zi said, "How to make grandma not like Shang Mo more, it is very difficult, let alone Grandma, Shang Mo is still trapped in dangerous South Africa."

Mo Feifei nodded: "Yes, so Chang Xiaoyang thought of me. I'm Shang Mo's girlfriend. If I swing back and forth between Shang Mo and him, it will subvert my good impression in Grandma's heart. Grandma doesn't Believe me I hate me, my relationship with my grandma is stiff, it is impossible for Shang Mo not to show up, but obviously not coming back, to make my grandmother worry, this is a kind of deception to my grandma, and still maintain me at this time, then Grandma will definitely transfer her dissatisfaction to Shang Mo. "

Yan Zi gritted his teeth: "It's really poisonous! But he didn't expect it. Grandma's attitude changed after seeing you fall."

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