His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1530: Never lose, never forget, not wrong (50)

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Mo Feifei thinks that Shang Mo has a premeditated plan and called someone to prepare it at the Civil Affairs Bureau. Otherwise, how could it be so late, there are still people in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

After they entered, the staff gave them two sheets of paper, "Please fill out the form first."

In the entry of basic information, Shang Mo filled in with him and Mo Feifei. His words are very good, his writing strength is very strong, and he rustles on the paper sheet.

Once completed, the form was given to the staff.

After the staff review, let them organize and let them go to the window to take a picture.

The two sat in front of the red cloth background, looking at Mo Feifei, who was some distance away from him. Shang Mo whispered, "Sit over a little."

Could it be subconsciously asked, "Do you need to sit so close?"

The staff member said, "Yes, the two are closer."

Mo Feifei moved over, Shang Mo's face was calm, and he felt that Mo Feifei didn't want to get married.

So the photo was taken, and the groom was extremely cold.

Some of the staff couldn't understand these two people, and they were curious, but they didn't ask much, they just asked for the hukou book and ID card.

Seeing that Shang Mo even pulled out her account book, Mo Feifei looked at her in surprise: "How come you have my account book."

If I remember correctly, the book should be with my sister.

Shang Mo said faintly, "Given by your sister."

Couldn't she cry or laugh, she didn't tell Shiguang about her pregnancy, but Shang Mo asked her for the hukou book, and she guessed she could guess the marriage.

Since I thought of it, I still gave Shangmo the booklet of the household registration. It seems that my sister also recognized Shangmo.

At this time, the staff handed their documents and the marriage certificate to the two together: "Congratulations to both."

Mo Feifei looked at the red book with the three large characters of the marriage certificate on it, which made me inexplicably excited. One book and one seal could tie two strangers together for a lifetime.

Shang Mo was also very excited about holding the marriage certificate he had just received.

Especially in the photo above, Mo Feifei was so happy to smile, as he ignored his expression, he instantly felt walking under his feet.

Turning his head and looking at Mo Feifei who was behind him, he fixed his eyes on the marriage certificate. He reached out and embraced her shoulder: "From now on, our relationship will be protected by law. You are mine!"

Mo Feifei was in his heart, and when he decided to be with him, he felt that it was just a piece of paper between him and her.

When he heard that, she wanted to tease Shang Mo, so she pointedly pointed at a sign on the wall.

Shang Mo lifted his eyes and looked at the divorce registration.

He suddenly turned black. "Don't even think about it!"

Mo Feifei sighed: "I think your temper has gone bad ..."

Shang Mo pulled out a smile of evil charm, even the glasses on his face could not cover up: "You are so smart, if it doesn't break, how can you hold you?"

Talking, he directly pulled her out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

After getting in the car, he found a fine red jewelry box from the compartment in the car, opened it, took out the diamond ring inside, and put it directly on Murphy's finger.

Mo Feifei looked down and found that the diamond was particularly delicate and gorgeous. The pinyin mo was faintly visible in the middle of the diamond, and she did not know whether it was her or his ink.

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