His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1532: He and the glimmer are all down (2)

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As a sister-controlled time, I knew that my sister was pregnant, and that monk Mo received the marriage certificate, let alone how complicated the mood was.

However, she also knows that her sister is a very opinionated person, and it is useless for others to say what she decides.

She didn't say a word, and told her sister to pay attention when she was pregnant, and to provide reasonable nutrition.

After dinner, Shila Landing Yanchen accompanied her to sit on the balcony to watch the moon and stargazing. She leaned on Lu Yanchen and said dumbly, "I just found my sister, and I married just a few days ago. I can't bear to ..."

"Then you don't want her to marry, is it useful to oppose it?" Lu Yanchen put the question back slowly.

"Useless!" Time spit out these two words, her sister's affairs could not turn her against.

"That's not it!" Lu Yanchen reached out and wrapped her arms around her.

"But you said, Mr. Shang married my sister. Will he take care of her in this life? Will he be poor or rich, sick or healthy, love each other, never give up, and stay together forever?" Time asked in worry.

"On the day of the wedding, you can ask it solemnly." Lu Yanchen looked at her fiercely, her lips twitching.

This kind of question can only be asked at the wedding by the emcee. When he heard it, he knew that he was teasing her deliberately, "My sister is my emcee when I get married, but you think of it ..."

Lu Yanchen showed an innocent expression on her face, pulled her to sit on her body, and hugged him horizontally: "It's late, go to bed."

"Not yet in the shower."



In celebration of Mo Feifei's pregnancy, Su Qianyu and Wang Caichun took Mo Feifei to Tang Palace for dinner together.

"Fei Fei, great. Your pregnancy has finally been announced. You don't know how hard I endured this time." When Rhode Island knew that Mo Feifei was pregnant, she really wanted to tell the first time Time.

It was okay in Rhode Island. It was easy to hold back without seeing time.

But something happened in her house, she was hurriedly called back to China, and when she saw the time, the secret toleration was hard work, and she almost leaked several times.

"Sister, you must give birth to a little white, cool, but cute and cute, handsome high IQ little genius," Shi Guang dreamed in heart, the smaller sister can't help but want Hug, kiss.

"That is, my little white is indeed a super smart child." Speaking of his son, Su Qianyi immediately smiled.

Wang Caichun gathered in front of Mo Feifei and said with a smile, "Fei Fei sister, I heard that this person's IQ will decrease after hearing this person is pregnant."

Time spent sitting between them, separating Wang Caichun from Mo Feifei, and then watching Wang Caichun said, "That's smarter than you."

Wang Caichun said angrily: "If you don't bring such damage, be careful I won't treat you as a friend in the future."

Time smiled: "You are as childish as Chu Mubei, no wonder you are a couple."

"Who are we?" Wang Caichun yelled immediately.

Mo Feifei asked softly, "Are you still not reconciled?"

Wang Caichun said, "What is reconciliation? She and I have divorced and have nothing to do with each other. We are two people, we are irrelevant to marry and marry him. After Chu Mubei loves to be with whom, he will be with me. Ignore. "

Su Qianxu, who was using Weibo to brush Weibo on the side, looked up and said, "It seems that the rumor of Chu Mubei is here again."

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