His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1537: He and the glimmer are all down (7)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shiguang and Wang Caichun wanted to buy something for Murphy's babies, and the two made an appointment to go shopping together.

The two had a great harvest and bought all the children's unused ones.

After shopping for an afternoon, the two were tired and hungry. After putting things in the car, they went to a western restaurant next door.

After eating and drinking, Wang Caichun sighed and said, "I haven't been shopping so long in a long time. I will go shopping with me when I have time."

Time sipped and said, "Just let me go. I'm going to faint all afternoon, it's harder than training."

Wang Caichun despised: "Useless!"

"You can't compare me to you, Miss Wang, your daily job is to dress yourself up for shopping."

Time is just a joke, ridicule between good friends.

Before Wang Caichun said anything, a mocking female voice sounded next to him: "Miss Wang's family, and a small door like Wang's family is also embarrassed to call herself a Miss."

The two turned their heads and saw two women coming over.

One of the women stepped forward in a long skirt, and raised her hands to show off her full flamboyance. She raised her hands and took off her sunglasses, and smiled coldly at Wang Caichun.

Wang Caichun looked intently. Isn't this Jin Yufeng?

Although she and Chu Mubei have already left, but there is no announcement to the public, even if she is with Chu Mubei now, she is still a junior, who can be so arrogant when she sees the main room?

I didn't recognize it in time, looking at Wang Caichun, "Your friend?"

Wang Caichun shrugged, "I don't know."

Jin Yufeng frowned tightly.

The woman next to her snorted proudly: "This is Jin Yufeng, the young lady of the Jin family."

Time sighed, and then lip smiled: "It was the girl who passed on the story of Chu Mubei. It was the young lady of the Jin family. I thought it was a celebrity, but which one is the Jin family? ?"

After hearing that, Wang Caichun could not help but hook up. Time asked this intentionally, to help her to drop Jin Yufeng's face and see Jin Yufeng's angry look, I really want to laugh three times.

Jin Yufeng frowned at the time: "I can be known by poor people like you, then I really have no identity at all."

"Not really, the Jin family, the real giants are not comparable to your upstarts." Jin Yufeng's friends helped arrogantly.

Wang Caichun and Shiji looked at each other, and when they were chatting non-existent, "there are strange things every year, this year is much more."

"A little bit more indeed."

"How could the young lady of the wealthy family not even know the minimum training etiquette?"

"Training this kind of thing really depends on your own practice."

The words of the two were obviously referring to Sanghuai, Jin Yufeng was a proud and unintentional master, not to mention in her heart, she had originally looked down on Wang Caichun, and also recognized the person who had made friends with Wang Caichun. She's almost the same.

These two people she looked down on, discussed here whether she was educated or not, made her furious, raised her hand and slapped it severely.

The aim was Wang Caichun, but was stopped by the time opposite.

Jin Yufeng glanced at the time fiercely, and wanted to continue to fight, but was pressed by the time.

She could only take back her hand indignantly and looked at Wang Caichun and said, "Don't think I didn't know you were divorced."

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