His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1545: He and the glimmer are all down (15)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Liu Yafang was frightened, and it seemed that neither or two of them could be provoked by her. What could be done? If Jin finally couldn't get this tone, and vented the resentment of the joint to her, it would be a kind of irony .

Fortunately, President Jin did not ignore him because Jin Yufeng was pushed out. The doctor said that he had serious eye injuries, and whether he could see them in the future is still uncertain.

After Jin Yufeng woke up, knowing that her eyes might be blind, she cried in the ward.

On the way back, they remained silent.

After returning home, Wang Caichun looked at Chu Mubei and said, "Thank you, I have troubled you."

Chu Mubei originally wanted to teach her a few words and asked why she didn't call him, but seeing how she looked tired and tired. Thinking of her tossing today, she must be angry and uncomfortable, so he said nothing. Now, just let her go to rest.

Wang Caichun was also really tired, but she couldn't sleep when she returned to the room. Chu Mubei was obviously on her side today, so he and Jin Yufeng really had nothing.

Note that it was an sleepless night, and Chu Mubei could hardly fall asleep, his eyes narrowed, and he looked very displeasedly outside.

Until his cell phone rang.

He turned around, glanced at the phone, and snorted coldly.

Graceful and elegant tea house.

When Chu Mu pushed the door north to enter, Father Jin was already sitting inside.

Seeing Chu Mubei coming in, he smiled at Chu Mubei, then pointed to the seat opposite him, which meant that Chu Mubei sat down, and then poured him a cup of tea.

In fact, Mr. Jin was about to vomit blood before, but when he calmed down, he felt it necessary to talk to Chu Mubei and let him know who was the most important.

Chu Mubei leaned lazily on his chair, looking careless.

President Jin's expression was stiff and solidified. This Chu Mubei is really stubborn: "Today's matter, I still hope you can give me a statement."

Chu Mubei smiled. Although she smiled, staring at Mr. Jin's eyes and said indifferently, "I didn't go to you for an argument. You dare to come to me for an argument."

President Jin clenched his fists.

He had never seen Chu Mubei, showing such a strong side. Whenever he smiled, he looked like a dangling man.

Moreover, the Chu family is strong again, but Chu Mubei is just a junior. Actually, he is so big and small, and President Jin feels humiliation and anger.

He was furious, "Chu Mubei, don't forget, your father has to be polite to three points when talking to me!"

"My father talked to me but he wanted to be polite." It meant that I was older than my boss, and my boss wanted you, but I would never let you.

"I won't let it go!"

"What kind of thing are you, dare to spill words in front of me."

Threat, who won't! !!

Chu Mubei stood up, and then said, "You have either passed by as an accident today, then I can treat your wife's attitude today as if it never happened. After all, my wife is soft and feels guilty. Perseverance, I would love to play with you !! "

President Jin sat there and his face changed back and forth, so that at a glance he weighed the pros and cons.

He saw Chu Mubei turned around and walked out, frowning deeply, and exclaiming, "If you leave, it means that our cooperation ends here!"

He did not believe that Chu Mubei would choose to lose both.


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