His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1570: He and the glimmer are all down (40)

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Hu Huanhuan couldn't help holding his breath, so handsome man, he also lives in this building?

She has been here several times, and she has lived here for a few days. Why didn't she see such a superb man who just lived in? Just when Hu Huanhuan was full of doubts, she saw the man's eyes fall on time.

Hu Huanhuan froze, then blinked uncertainly, the tall and erect figure still existed, and his gaze was still faintly facing the time, with a touch of unknown petting.

Does this person know this friend of Huo Zhan? She twitched the corner of her mouth, and subconsciously asked Shiguang: "This is ..."

Time quickly introduced: "This is my husband." Then he introduced Lu Yanchen: "This is Huo Zhan's fiancee."

what? !! !! This superb man is actually her husband! !! Hu Huanhuan is incredible, but she didn't show it, just looked at Lu Yanchen and smiled: "Hello."

Lu Yanchen didn't say anything, but just nodded, be polite, and went ahead with the things, giving people a cold feeling.

Time helped Lu Yanchen press the elevator. In fact, she really wanted to go back with Landing Yanchen, but Hu Huanhuan stopped her.

After Lu Yanchen entered the elevator, Hu Huanhuan smiled and said goodbye to Landing Yanchen, but Lu Yanchen didn't even wink this time, waiting quietly for the elevator door to close.

Shi Guang smiled embarrassingly at Hu Huanhuan: "He is more introverted."

In fact, she was very happy, and her husband was so good. No wonder Wang Caichun envyed her, and her family, Lu Aojiao, never looked straight at other women.

"It's okay, your husband looks handsome." Time was trying to explain Lu Yanchen's rudeness, but Hu Huanhuan didn't feel that the man was rude at all, only that the man was cold and proud and more attractive.

Time faintly accepted her compliment and said, "I haven't seen Huo Zhan for a long time. I don't know what he's been busy with recently."

When Hu Huanhuan heard her say Huo Zhan, his face sank again: "Forget it, don't mention him."

Time was thinking, just mention it, it should be fine with her, she thinks she should be able to go back.

But Hu Huanhuan didn't want to pull her and talk: "Your husband, what does he do?"

"Ah?" Time didn't know why, somehow felt that Hu Huanhuan's attitude towards her had changed, and she even chatted with her.

"I mean, where does he work?" Hu Huanhuan asked.

"He just retired and hasn't worked yet." Time didn't want to talk to Lu Yanchen, and as a woman, his sense of crisis was still keen.

Hu Huanhuan said with a faint whisper, and his thoughts went back and forth. He had such a good house that he could live without a job. He was still the king of the house.

This Huo Zhan's friend didn't know what **** was gone, and he actually got such a superb man.

"Well, I still have something, just ..." Shiji didn't want to stand opposite Hu Huanhuan, and said goodbye.

Then before she finished speaking, Hu Huanhuan suddenly made an "ah".

Time faltered, and then saw Hu Huanhuan squatting on the ground with her stomach in pain, a very uncomfortable look.

She cared about asking, "You ... what happened to you?"

Hu Huanhuan frowned frantically: "My elder aunt has been uncomfortable for the past two days, and was also annoyed by Huo Zhan. Now my stomach hurts."

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