His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1580: He and the glimmer are all down (50)

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Time and Lu Yanchen bid farewell. As long as she competes, Lu Yanchen will come all these years, especially important matches, always with her at all times, and may not say anything to encourage, but every time he goes to the competition, she will give her a hug, A loving hug.

Arrived at the game site, Zhang Shulin told her some precautions.

Time went into the locker room, and she noticed a line of sight next to her. She turned her head and looked at Park Yin-hyun, her lips smirked, but there was no smile under her eyes.

That year, the South Korean team came to do an exchange match. Park Yinxian had been aiming at her, and she was able to surpass her with confidence. Afterwards, she lost face and asked her if she knew her, but she was denied.

In fact, she knew Park Yinxian. Park Yinxian was not originally a Korean, but a Chinese. They were a coach when they were seven years old.

At that time, Park Yinxian's performance was worse than her, and Park Yinxian left the young team after less than a year.

Later, something happened to her family. She encountered Park Yinxian in a youth swimming competition, and Park Yinxian dumped her by a great deal.

At that time, she just wanted to meet Park Yinxian after all, she wanted to say hello to Park Yinxian, but Park Yinxian didn't even glance at her, Yu Guangxian looked high. Someone asked Park Yinxian, do you know anyone?

Park Yinxian shook his head and said, how could it be, how could my friend swim so badly.

Park Yinxian went abroad again. It is said that her mother married a Korean, and Park Yinxian changed her current name.

At that time, with a bit of revenge, Park Yinxian asked her if she knew her after the game, and then she deliberately said she didn't know her.

Park Yin-hyun is not stimulated lightly, and she wants to defeat her by all means, and it seems that she has worked hard, but she has not deserted herself, and she has been working hard and improving.

The next good match, the two of them met, but each time she won.

Park Yinxian closed for six months.

Before the game started, she spoke to the media, this time must defeat time.

Time just laughed at it.

After she said she did not know Park Yinxian, she had avenged her revenge, and later took Park Yinxian as another ordinary opponent.

At this moment she didn't bother to care what Park Yinxian was thinking. Since coming to the competition, she believes that everyone is heading for the championship.

Time was thinking about the baby in her belly.

She hasn't told anyone about her pregnancy.

Not only is the child two months the most critical time, but today ’s game, if she does not participate, then she will have to wait another two years. After two years, she will not have the current level, and she believes her baby. It wo n’t be so fragile, I will accompany my mother to win this money.

The game was about to start. Time came out and the fans shouted immediately.

Time is not the first time to stand on the world stage. She is the representative of the new generation of swimming, so she pays a lot of attention to her, and she has a lot of fans. Although she plays abroad, she knows a lot.

In the shouts of many fans, the word "time" is still obvious.

There have been too many competitions in these years. Every time I play, I have become accustomed to it, but this time I called her name, but my heart was inexplicably nervous. This time the competition was too important and special for her.

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