His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1600: Meet the starry night, passion is infinite (14)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

As soon as Lin Yanyan pushed open the dormitory door, Zhou Qingmei greeted her with a smile: "Yan Yan, you are back."

"Did you choose my class?" Lin Yanyan asked.

"I chose it, it's all the class you want." Zhou Qingmei smiled charmingly.

Lin Yanyan immediately sat at the desk and turned on her computer, entered her student number, and looked at her elective courses. Ye Xingkong didn't have any courses, but she had them. She wanted to grab her. No way! !!

Lin Yanyan, who was fiercely happy at this moment, was completely choked in the next second.

After a moment, she frowned and looked at Zhou Qingmei: "Did you really choose the class I want?"

Zhou Qingmei nodded: "Yeah."

She immediately gathered next to the computer, and when Ding Qing saw it, she was frightened. What happened, all those she chose were gone. Most of the elective courses except the main theme were political courses!

She could have spent the money intentionally, asking a senior to help her choose, and then she helped Lin Yanyan choose the courses herself. She clearly remembered that she didn't choose these courses.

"How could it be." Zhou Qingmei couldn't hold it. She held the mouse to refresh the page, or these courses. She murmured: "I didn't choose these courses. I didn't choose these courses. Ahhhh, it ’s amazing! "

"You still want to lie to me." Lin Yanyan grated her teeth, and kicked Zhou Qingmei directly.

"I didn't lie to you. It's true. I have nothing to do with it."

"Can't he change himself!"


When the two were arguing, Ye Xingkong also returned to the dormitory. The two had a loud quarrel, and she heard it outside the door. She sneered at the corner of her mouth and pushed open the door of her dorm.

As soon as I entered the dormitory, I heard Wang Yanwen's cry, "It's really annoying. Why did the net get so stuck just now, my movie appreciation is gone."

Seeing Ye Xingkong's return, Song Hongyang asked, "Xingkong, have you chosen all the courses you want?"

Ye Xingkong's eyes narrowed and smiled: "All are selected."

"You are too good." Zhou Jing looked envious.

"I'm so envious, my webpage is stuck for a few seconds, and it will be too late when I refresh it," said Wang Yingwen, crying shamefully on Zhou Jing, "you ca n’t even choose a lesson you like. The mask was confiscated. What should I do? I feel my skin is getting worse. "

Song Hongyang asked Ye Xingkong, "What is your culture class today?"

"During military training, in addition to training is a doctrine and cultural lessons are doctrines." It was also specifically emphasized that dating is forbidden, and any adverse developments must be reported to the organization in a timely manner.

It's inhumane!


At the same time, in the principal's office, the principal faced Lu Yubai, who was sitting opposite him, "they are ... they are really too much, and they just provoked us as soon as school started."

He took a sip of tea and went on to say, "Isn't it that their school's computer level is slightly higher and a little bit higher. Do you have to have a few computer exchanges about a few schools as soon as the school starts each year? In fact, communication is to find fault. Come, show off. "

The calculator is also one of the "weapons" of modern warfare. Mastering future warfare requires super-high computer technology. The first step in military intelligence is computer talent.

Anyway, they have the z-zone military academy who has the most brave and ardent soldiers, but ...

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