His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1603: Routine instructor's correct posture (3)

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Ye Xingkong thought she would be the last one to arrive, only to find that Lin Yanyan was later than her. After she joined the team, she stood by the girl, and Lin Yanyan hurriedly rushed.

Lu Yubai had already stood neatly in front of the team. He was not the only one today, and beside him was a man wearing the same military uniform.

Wide shoulders and long legs, a typical military skeleton, very majestic, a bronze handsome face, looking at the special sunshine and righteousness, the medal on his shoulders seems to be a lieutenant.

Lu Yubai took a few steps forward, and looked at everyone silently, without a smile on his face, and his eyes were cold. "An emergency assembly took fifteen minutes. If in the war years, your heads have blossomed!"

The faint voice was powerful, like a sharp blade stabbed in everyone's heart.

No one dared to move, everyone was stiff, and even the sound of breathing was hardly audible.

At this time, Lu Yubai introduced the next instructor: "This is Zhan Xuantian, temporarily loaned over to serve as your assistant instructor during military training."

Zhan Xuantian immediately moved forward and roared loudly: "Hello everyone, I'm Zhan Xuantian, and today we will live together for a month. An urgent assembly is the minimum requirement for a soldier. If this is not possible, Then do n’t waste time. This is the first and last time. The next emergency assembly lasts more than three minutes, and all of them carry off-road for ten kilometers. The next time, they will disappear from this school completely! ”

Ye Xingkong glanced at Lu Yubai, handsome and cheerful, with a serious and cold expression, which made people feel like a gentle jade gentleman.

She felt that Lu Yubai shouted an assistant instructor over, just because he was too lazy to shout the password.

Seems to notice her gaze, Lu Yubai glanced at her, Ye Xingkong quickly moved his eyes away.

After the team's order, there was a rapid report, followed by a five-kilometer load off-road.

Everyone ran, and Zhan Xuantian shouted with a loud throat in the back: "Follow up, keep up! In front, step up! Quick! Quick!"

Hurry, do you have a reincarnation? Ye Xingkong followed the team and slowly fell from the front to the back.

I do n’t know how long it ’s been running. The sky in the east gradually turned white. Ye Xingkong ran slowly, only feeling the whole body heating. The light backpack on his back was also as heavy as a mountain, and the sweat beads rolled down his eyes They were so wet that they couldn't open, the road ahead was blurred, and the air was suffocating.

Ye Xingkong really couldn't run. He stopped, holding his hands above his knees, panting in a big mouth.

She couldn't see the tail of the team. When she dropped her just now, Lin Yanyan also deliberately flung a flaunting look.

The dust was behind her, and she turned her head subconsciously to see that it was a military coverless off-road vehicle.

Zhan Xuantian was driving, and Lu Yubai, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was about to spit out her jealousy, and she wanted to make a car.

"Hurry up! What's up!" Zhan Xuantian drove over, playing the style of the devil instructor, and shouting at Ye Xingkong.

Ye Xingkong had to stand up straight, and then continued to run forward slowly.

"Shopping!" Zhan Xuantian yelled in dissatisfaction, he couldn't wait to get a whip to pump in the back.

In the silence of Ye Xingkong, she kept running at the same speed ... She didn't want to talk back, but she didn't have the strength to talk back.

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