His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1611: Efforts to abduct a boyfriend home (1)

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I do not know when, Lu Yubai was already standing behind her, in a military uniform, meticulously buckled to the top one, exuding a breath of abstinence.

Lu Yubai said lightly: "You are late!"

Ye Xingkong stood up quickly, honestly, dare not talk at all.

Lu Yu said coldly: "Go for five laps to warm up."

Ye Xingkong had a pained expression on his face: "Five laps? It's warm-up."

"Too few, then ten laps." Lu Yu said lightly, but scared Ye Xingkong almost to cry.

"No, Master Instructor."

"Physical fitness is your weakness. You have to pass this level," Lu Yubai said, pointing to the ground. "I don't want to run five laps, so here are a hundred push-ups."

Ye Xingkong was completely dumbfounded.

Not to mention a hundred push-ups, she couldn't even do one, she asked: "Can you make two more laps?"


As soon as Lu Yubai's voice sounded, Ye Xingkong realized that something was wrong. It was so much like the punishment of Lin Yanyan that day, so she didn't stand stupidly and waited for him to finish his run before running.

"I'll run right away, five laps and five laps, I know."

Looking at Ye Xingkong who suddenly ran like the wind, Lu Yubai raised his eyebrows. Yes, very smart, his brain turned fast and his reaction ability was super fast.

It's just physical strength, it's too weak, he pushes it lightly with his fingers, and he can push her down.

Of the hackers who invaded the system that day, she was among the top among the suspects.

With a 100% higher copy of the admission line, it is not what ordinary people can do. How can such a person be unwise, and according to the monitoring video of the classroom that day, when she and Lin Yanyan had a dispute in the classroom, It just happens to be the time period for choosing courses.

In Lin Yanyan's class, there really was no hot class.

But when she was arguing with Lin Yanyan, the course included all the hot and easy courses. Under the circumstances at that time, she could not choose those courses by herself.

Of course, it is also possible that she asked someone to help her choose a course.

Ye Xingkong was sweating all over her head. After a few laps, she was so tired that she could only get in, but not out.

Lu Yubai looked at the communication watch in his hand, and said without expression, "Five laps and thirty minutes, you are really fast."

This is, of course, ironic. Ye Xingkong's speed is very slow. After five laps, the sky is almost bright. It should be early training time.

Ye Xing panted, "Thirty minutes, I feel so fast."

Realizing that Lu Yu gave her a cold look, she quickly put away her hippie smile, and immediately took a serious face, a nervous expression.

In fact, she was helpless and had no choice. She only had this speed and couldn't get up.

Lu Yubai naturally knew what she was thinking, saying: "From tomorrow, you get up and run five laps every day, and you can run in ten minutes. You train ten minutes in advance, and you can run in one hour. Then get up an hour in advance.

This is to change the training one hour in advance to five laps? !!

Ye Xingkong couldn't believe it, her face couldn't be covered with surprise, and she almost wanted to hug Lu Yubai with excitement.

Of course, she didn't dare.

She only dared to jump twice on the ground and asked incredibly, "Really?"

Lu Yubai spoke again, his voice still cold: "Li Zheng."

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