His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1618: Trying to abduct a boyfriend home (8)

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The principal frowned, thinking.

He and Lu Yubai glanced at each other, said nothing, and left later.

In the principal's office, the principal sat behind the desk, tapped his fingers on the table, and sat opposite him to meet Professor Bai and Wang.

"You say this smile, is it really a student of our school?" If it is not a student of the school, then it is a win today, and it is even more embarrassing than losing.

Teacher Wang was worried and said, "I'm not sure. According to them, this smile should already be twenty or thirty years old."

Lu Yubai Googou mouth corner: "That's not necessarily the case."

The principal looked at him nervously: "..."

Lu Yubai said indifferently: "Most of the world's top hackers have become famous earlier. Mitnick, 15, broke into the computer host of the North American Air Defense Command System, and James hacked into the computer of the US government agency NASA at the age of 16, downloading a value of 170. The software code of the 10,000-dollar NASA system, and trying to understand how the system works. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been in the hacking circle as Mendax since the age of 16, and broke into various governments within three years. Enterprises and educational networks, and if they are still quite old, then the youngest hacker in the world, a 5-year-old boy in the United States easily cracked the security holes of Microsoft Xbox ... "

The headmaster interrupted Lu Yubai's voice with excitement: "So, he has been on the list for three years, which does not mean that he is very old, right?"

Lu Yubai's elegant arms rested on the chair's armrests, and her lips faintly charmed: "Natural."

The principal sighed with relief, and then became tense again: "But who is this smile?" If he couldn't find it, he hadn't been wronged by the old boy for foreign aid.

Teacher Wang frowned: "Principal, I will do my best, I will definitely find out."

"I count on you ..." The headmaster gave him a scornful glance: "In case of white, you still have to come to this case, find someone to solve the case, Teacher Wang is not good at it. So I can only count on you, you must help me find people Otherwise, the old boy must have accused me of seeking foreign aid. At that time, we really lost all our faces. "

Lu Yubai stood up: "I try."

After speaking, turning around and walking backwards, the principal extended his Erkang hand: "Meet the white ..." Must, don't try! !!


In Ye Xingkong's dormitory, the three began to stand under the bed, looking at Ye Xingkong's fingers, dancing all the time, but did not know what she was knocking on, and were curious, and wanted to climb up to see it, but Ye Xingkong would The computer was placed at the entrance of the bed, obviously they were not allowed to come up.

After a long time, when everyone became more and more confused, Ye Xingkong returned the computer to Wang Yiwen.

"Alright?" Wang Yanwen asked in surprise.

"Well, you haven't lost anything." Ye Xingkong smiled slightly.

"It's been so long, and the war should end," Song Hongyang muttered, then took a deep look at Ye Xingkong and wanted to say something, but the words stopped.

Wang Yiwen turned on the computer and checked his stuff. He jumped happily: "It's so good, it's really good, I didn't lose it, thank you, Starry Sky."

"No thanks." Ye Xingkong fell on the bed. "So sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

At first, everyone wanted to boast about her, saying that she couldn't think of her computer so powerful, but she looked tired and sleepy, so she said nothing.

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