His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1620: Efforts to abduct a boyfriend home (10)

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Ye Xingkong sighed.

It is said that a woman who looks good is a scourge. In fact, a man who looks good is the real scourge. She is a country girl, and she is a good young woman who is not distorted at all. At this moment, she was almost obsessed with it. Female hooligan.

"Teach ... instructor, that, I have two more laps. Do I need to continue running?"

Lu Yubai stood in front of him, looked at her for two seconds, and then said "um" lightly.

When Ye Xingkong ran again, he found that his legs were soft.

Staring at such a beautiful and unparalleled man in the world, he couldn't stand it.

Beauty is really harmful. In order to prevent the female siblings behind from being harmed, she must find a way to receive Lu Yubai.

When she looks at him, he can't harm it, those innocent girls.

Ye Xingkong was at the fastest speed to the opposite side, and wanted to see Lu Yubai, but found that he did not know when Lu Yubai had left.

Shenlong did not see his head at the end, but Lu Yubai did not lose it.

Without Lu Yubai, Ye Xingkong found that it was not just the legs that were soft, but the whole person was soft. I wanted to find a bed to lie down and snore for three days and three nights.

Today ’s training of 200 meters of military obstacles, including low-pile nets, obstacle crossings, curved ribs, balance beams, tyres, high legs, dumbbell weights and other 8 sets of obstacles, Lu Yubai did not appear, but Zhan Xuantian only used In one minute, all the projects were completed, and the students in the class were stunned.

Ye Xingkong can't finish it all.

Not to mention the rest, she couldn't even support a tire, and the balance beam fell off as soon as it got up.

After standing for a long time, I finally stood still, but did not take two steps to plant it, and fell to the sand pile next to it.

This time I fell a little embarrassed and covered with sand.

Lin Yanyan laughed beside him: "Smelly wolf, you are probably the stupidest fox. Even the balance beam is unstable. You actually come to the military academy, haha ​​~~"

Ye Xingkong looked at her fiercely: "Shut up."

Speaking, kicking some sand, the sofa flew in the wind, all blowing on Lin Yanyan, and she just opened her mouth to speak.

"Just don't shut up, just laugh at you ..." The sand all flew into her mouth.

She quickly stunned, stunned for a long time, and finally felt the taste of sand, "Ye Xingkong, you stinky fox, actually splashed me with sand."

Ye Xingkong was innocent. "Where did I spill? You have to laugh and laugh, it's all about me, dead peacock."

"You splashed my sand, and you even scolded me ..." Lin Yanyan roared loudly, grabbed a handful of sand, and scattered it over Ye Xingkong.

Ye Xingkong was so frightened that he turned his back, and the sand was scattered on her head and back, hitting like a storm.

When she turned to hide, she did not forget to fight back in the sand.

Two women fought a sand fight inside the bunker.

"Smelly fox."

"Dead peacock."

"Smelly fox."

"Dead peacock."

Classmates: "..." The fox and peacock really lay down and shot! !!

"What are you doing?" Zhan Xuantian yelled, and kicked them out of the sand pit.

Feeling that she did not win, Lin Yanyan, who had suffered a big loss, took advantage of Zhan Xuantian's attention and pushed out Ye Xingkong.

Ye Xingkong's body was immediately out of balance, like a willow in the cold wind, and immediately fell to the side.

Just when Ye Xingkong thought he was kissing the earth with a blood, his waist was tight, a pair of big hands fell on her waist, and then she gently touched her.

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