His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1721: I am a woman with you (11)

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Tao Shuangxi was not rescued by Ye Xingkong, and immediately understood that Ye Xingkong would no longer care about him.

Obviously Ye Xingkong saw through his ideas and was not fooled, and he could not go any further. Decryption required time, and he did not know the difficulty of the password. At this time, he could not spend too much time entangled with them.

He sent a message to all three of them at the same time.

"You fight with me again, Ye Xingkong in Z zone should have broken the password."

"How is that possible?" The three didn't believe it.

"Maybe you can find someone to see."

So the three of them pumped one person to want to enter Ye Xingkong's computer. After a while, he shouted in surprise: "What's going on, why can't I get in? She installed a system password. This password is difficult to solve. For a while. "

"I depend, this girl is so good."

"What should we do now?"

"Let's decrypt it quickly, otherwise, we will lose."

"That Tao Shuangxi?"

"He should be more anxious than us, and decrypt them first. As for the two of them, it is more likely that we won the first place than us.

Realizing that the situation was getting hot in an instant, they had to give up the "surround hunting" and start decrypting first, hoping to get the map after their team completed the task at the first time.

The program just written by Ye Xingkong not only uses encryption, but also uses an interruption program to snip each other.

Can be said to attack and defend.

Therefore, after the procedure was settled, Ye Xingkong began to concentrate on decryption.

After entering the state, she began to be dazed again, because she knew vaguely where the code herself had been seen. To be precise, she knew where the virus code had evolved from.

When she was 15 years old, she had written a code, which was originally used to participate in the competition, but for some reason later she did not participate.

The core code of this anti-virus, as well as the original code, should be the code she wrote at the time, ready to be used for competitions.

What she didn't understand was how this code could turn into a virus, and it had been used to attack security services.

Ye Xingkong stopped flying fingers again and sat quietly in a daze.

Someone outside watching the game began to sing again.

The old principal was also dying, and kept yelling in his heart, don't drop the chain at critical times.

Yang Wenke also frowned slightly. If it was Ye Xingkong's tactics just now, then Ye Xingkong is very wrong, and she seems to be caught in some doubt and dilemma.

What's wrong?

Ye Xingkong closed her eyes, she hoped that she had thought more. Perhaps the core code of the virus and the original code had nothing to do with the code she wrote, everything was just wrong.

But if the core code of this virus is really the code she used to write, it won't take half an hour at all, it only takes five minutes to unlock it.

There are many kinds of encryption algorithms in the world. Everyone has their own encryption algorithm. Her code uses chaotic encryption algorithm and then encrypts the assembler. It can be said that it is very complicated and ordinary people should not know.

Ye Xingkong leaned on the chair and took a deep breath.

After a while, she asked Lu Yubai to talk about it, and then asked him to learn about the virus.

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