His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1728: I am a woman with you (18)

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"Just call me Haiting, or sister Ting." Wang Haiting pulled Ye Xingkong and sat down at the discussion table: "We are here today to ask about the core code."

Ye Xingkong replied: "I have already told the instructors about the code. As for who stole my code, I don't know yet."

Li Musen put the computer in front of Ye Xingkong: "We will now show you the code that has not been upgraded. After you analyze it, you can see what you can see."


Ten minutes later, Ye Xingkong shook his head ugly: "I can't see it."

Li Musen asked: "Under normal circumstances, your code will be stolen. I think it is most likely someone you know. Of the people you know, who do you think is most likely?"

Among the people she knew, Ye Xingkong thought of a person subconsciously, but she thought it was impossible.

Li Musen and Wang Haiting did not let Ye Xingkong continue to think about it. The purpose of their visit this time, in addition to hoping to get a clue here to find the person who made the virus, is mainly to know from Ye Xingkong that the core code has algorithms .

But this is what Li Musen is most interested in, and Wang Haiting is most interested in Ye Xingkong.

In addition to analysing data, data analysts are also very fond of analysts. She wants to know how a girl under 20 years old wrote such complicated code three years ago and before she was an adult. of.

Although it is said that the programmer is a bowl of youth rice, young people are active in thinking, only then can they have good ideas and write good programs.

However, it is rare for young people to become famous. It is rare to be curious when encountering a professional, and in the case of occupational prisoners, they want to analyze it.

She kept thinking about this. After analyzing the core code, she finally couldn't help asking: "Starry sky, I'm really interested, how could your hacking skills be so good, I remember your information, you are not a professional Yes, then how did you learn? "

Ye Xingkong smiled: "I have always liked to stay at home since I was little. I do n’t like to go out and play. My parents are very good to me, and they do n’t ask me. They listen to me. They will give me everything I need. I, but I did n’t like dolls or car toys since I was a kid. I liked computers. When I was 7 years old, I folded my dad ’s computer. Unfortunately, it was n’t installed, the computer was scrapped, and then it became My toy, when I was 9 years old, I folded my dad's computer again, but that time, I successfully settled in again, and my dad didn't know that when I was 12, I was not interested in folding the computer. Yes, so I taught myself assembly language on the Internet. Later, I tried to hack a website. I did n’t expect it to succeed. Then I did n’t know how to get on the rookie list, and then someone kept challenging me. I think It was particularly fun, and I played on it for three years. "

After listening to Wang Haiting, he found that he didn't need to analyze. Who is a super computer genius in front of him, and he also analyzed a fart.


When Wang Haiting and Li Musen left, Ye Xingkong called Lu Yubai.

Some words she didn't tell the leader of group Li and Haiting Wang, but she wanted to tell Lu Yubai: "In fact, this code, in addition to myself, there is another person who knows, that is my good friend, but I think she is very unlikely to steal Because she is not as proficient in computers as I am. "

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