His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1738: I like your nostalgia (8)

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The two were chatting and playing while shooting, and a round bounced for more than half an hour.

In the last shot, Ye Xingkong really hit a fourth ring, she jumped up happily, and then asked Lu Yubai: "Am I terrible?"

"You're the best."

Ye Xingkong was boasted and laughed wildly: "I have to play another round, you continue to teach me."

After Lu Yubai loaded the bullets, Lu Yubai pulled Ye Xingkong into his arms again. Where is shooting?

"How many people have you taught this way?" Ye Xingkong looked back at Lu Yubai.

"Just you." Lu Yubai Qingdao said.

The two were close to each other, their breaths blended, and suddenly the air became ambiguous.

Ye Xingkong leaned on Lu Yubai's body and felt his strong chest muscles. He couldn't help thinking about whether he had a clear abdominal muscles ...

"What are you thinking?" Seeing her not moving for a long time, she looked forward stunned, Lu Yubai leaned against her neck and asked gently.

"I miss your muscles," Ye Xingkong said subconsciously, and blushed after speaking.

Lu Yubai's mouth slightly twitched, and she immediately laughed softly, and the hot air sprayed on her ears, which made her body tremble sensitively. She blushed and wanted to explain: "No, it really isn't, in fact, I ..."

Lu Yubai asked her in a deliberately low voice, "What are you?"

There is a smile of magnetism in the smiley tone, like a kind of confusion, coupled with this posture, it is full of temptation.

Ye Xingkong looked at him, only to feel that the corner of his mouth slightly raised, vaguely revealing a kind of bad.

As she looked surprised, she was even more at a loss and embarrassed, and said in shame, "You ... stabbed me again, and said you must not stab me."

Lu Yubai asked innocently: "Did I hit you?"

Ye Xingkong nodded, and said solemnly, "Huh!"

Lu Yubai raised his eyebrows slightly. "Oh, let's fro."


"How are you doing?"

how is it? What can I do? She also beat him often, but he was generally beaten by him. Counterattack ... How could you counterattack at this time, Ye Xingkong blushed, paste his head, suddenly stretched his hand to hook his neck, kissed his lips accurately.

This sudden attack also made Lu Yu Bai Yi a moment, did not expect that she would kiss him.

The next second, he reached out and circled her waist tightly, probing into his tongue ... He felt her body tremble a bit, but he didn't stop, tangling her deeper, and finally pressed directly behind On the table, devoured with greed, with a desperation, it seemed to want to eat her directly.

Ye Xingkong's head buzzed.

She clung to his neck instinctively, responding to his kiss, dreamily.

Until Lu Yubai slowly let go of her, she woke up like a dream.

He lowered his head, panting aloud against her shoulder, a little shaking because of the kiss.

Their breath was uneven.

Lu Yubai pressed her forehead against her forehead, her hands clasped tightly around her waist, and greedily breathed her own taste. The low and magnetic voice slightly changed the tone and asked her, "Are you afraid?"

Ye Xingkong raised his eyes, stared at him with a confused look, and asked inexplicably, "What are you afraid of?"

Her face was red, and her eyes were full of water vapor. The lips that he had kissed glowed red, which made her want to take another look, but she looked puzzled and stared at her eyes. Holding him.

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