His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1747: I like your caring (17)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Mr. Liu stood up and smiled charmingly: "Chu Shao, sorry, I'm so noisy to you."

Then let go of the waiter.

Luo Shiqin was surprised, who were the people in the next deck, why did President Liu look frightened when they saw him.

She turned to look at Ye Xingkong's boyfriend again, sitting quietly among the group of people, even though the men next to him were handsome, but his looks were the most outstanding. Such a group of men can easily remind them that they are A group of cowboys.

But in the attitude of President Liu just now, they can never be Niu Lang.

Luo Shiqin sat for a while and found an excuse to leave.

She walked to the manager, told the manager what she had just said, and then asked the manager, "Who are the people sitting in the deck? Why is President Liu so afraid of them?"

"That table is all people Liu can't afford to mess with, of course he's scared."

"Mr. Liu also has a background ..."

"Compared with them, Mr. Liu fart is not ... Tang family, Ye family, Chu family, all of which he can't afford to offend, not to mention the people in Lu family today."

"Lu family?" Luo Shiqin was surprised.

"See the one sitting in the middle and wearing a trench coat?"

That's Ye Xingkong's boyfriend. He is actually from the Lu family ...

"His name is Lu Yubai, the power generation of the Lu family. This person has been a genius since he was a child. He went to college at the age of 16 and was a major general at the age of 23. This person is divided into three or six or nine, and the official is divided into three or six or nine. The one on the upper level was called Lord Tai Zi, who was talking about Lu Yubai. Whoever **** him, it was a long way to go. "

Luo Shiqin was shocked.

She never thought that Ye Xingkong's boyfriend had such a background.

No matter how good a man is, Ye Xingkong ran into good things. There was a Chris before, and now there is another Lu Yubai.

Lu Yubai was looking at his mobile phone at the moment, and didn't know what he was looking at, and suddenly smiled.

Luo Shiqin was stunning, how could a man laugh so beautifully, and he hadn't discovered it before, she really felt that he was just sitting quietly, but there was something that could not be ignored all over his body. Expensive air.

The heart beat fast, and if she knew the people, her fate would change ...

Just then, she saw Lu Yubai stood up and seemed to be leaving.

Luo Shiqin immediately chased after him: "Hello."

Lu Yubai's cold eyes fixed on her.

Luo Shiqin felt his heart beat hard.

But the next second, she felt like falling into an ice cellar. The whole person seemed to be drowned by some cold liquid, so cold and cold ...

Luo Shiqin trembled his voice and red lips lightly said, "I'm a friend of the starry sky, don't you remember me? At the cinema that day, we've seen ..."

She smiled slightly, very confident, she knew that she was too beautiful, especially when she smiled like this, it was like a dazzling spring breeze, but also showed another charming charm.

Men, men who love to mingle in the night, don't dislike her.


Leaving a word, Lu Yubai left quickly.

The smile on Luo Shiqin's face gradually stiffened, oh ... what does it mean, remember or not remember.

She hesitated for a moment, holding her phone, and then sent a message to Ye Xingkong: [Xingkong, guess who I saw in the bar just now? 】

Then send the photos of Lu Yubai you just took to Ye Xingkong.


PS: Continue sugaring tomorrow, don't be too tired ~~ Finally ask for monthly tickets ~~

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