His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1792: Talking about a fake love (12)

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The speed boat stopped after half an hour of galloping on an island in the sea. Ye Xingkong didn't know where it was, and the sea was all around, but she could be sure that the island was not in the country.

The island seems to be quite big. The air is full of scent of pine leaves. The car goes all the way. There are wide roads. It seems that there are many commercial and residential buildings, just like ordinary cities.

What the **** is this, are those walking, ordinary people, or associates of these people?

For a moment, Ye Xingkong forgot about fear and anxiety.

Until the car drove into a forest area, a modern villa like a castle was hidden in the deep forest.

The villa is surrounded by lush woods, flowers and grass, birds singing, and it really smells like a paradise.

As soon as the car stopped, someone approached and opened the door, saying hello to Chen Chaoyang: "Master."

Ye Xingkong followed them to get out of the car, followed them into the villa, and along the way, some people turned towards Chen Chaoyang: "Good Master."

Chen Chaoyang's face had been faint, but he couldn't see the astonishing coldness and aggressiveness just now, and concealed his sharp edge, just like a scholar a bit more elegant.

Ye Xingkong keenly captured Brother Scar. When those people said hello to Chen Chaoyang, his eyes flashed with contempt.

It can be seen that this scar brother looks down on Chen Chaoyang.

But isn't Chen Chaoyang the young master? This Scar Brother is just a subordinate, so why drag it so?

The decoration of the main hall is very Chinese, and there are many people standing in it. On the master chair in the middle sits a middle-aged man in a sun suit, in his fifties, with a cigar in his mouth and winks. It looked very fierce.

Ye Xing trembled in the hollow, his steps slowed subconsciously.

The scar immediately pushed Ye Xingkong a moment, Ye Xingkong took two steps forward and almost fell.

She heard Chen Chaoyang move forward, called the middle-aged man's father, and then sat down in a chair next to him for tea.

This man seems to be the owner of this island.

Isn't this Chen Chaoyang really Lu Yubai? No matter how undercover, it is impossible to undercover the son of the boss of a terrorist.

It should be her own mistake. Chen Chaoyang is just Chen Chaoyang, just a man who looks like Lu Yubai.

Brother Scar told the owner of the task today, but all the credit was his. It is important to emphasize that Chen Chaoyang's indecision in the task meant that Chen Chaoyang almost broke the entire task.

After listening to this Chen Daozhu, he did not criticize Chen Chaoyang. He only said that Brother Scar had worked hard and let him sit down and serve tea.

Ye Xingkong felt that there might be something wrong with Brother Scar. This island is the owner of Chen Island, and this Chaoyang is his son. He has been DISS Chen Chaoyang. What is going on? Doesn't he want to hang out on the island?

Realizing that Chen Daozhu's eyes were on himself, Ye Xingkong quickly lowered his eyelids.

Brother Scar told immediately the master Chen Dao: "This is the woman. She exaggerated to Haikou and said that she would be able to unlock the ciphertext. If she cannot solve it, she must let her know the consequences of lying to us!"

Ye Xingkong Yu Guang glanced at the scar face, only feeling that he looked like a villain.

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