His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1794: Talking about a fake love (14)

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Ye Xingkong held his breath and looked at Chen Daozhu, but Chen Daozhu who was smiling all the time, did not suddenly smile as Ye Xingkong thought, then lowered his face, like a murderer she was.

"Don't stand talking, just sit down." Master Chen Dao sat back on the master's chair, he still smiled, and that white tooth could advertise toothpaste.

In this case, the scar man sitting next to drinking water squirted out the water in his mouth.

He looked at Master Chen Dao Incredibly.

Ye Xingkong quietly breathed a sigh of relief, immediately smiled, and sat down opposite the Scar Man.

I didn't expect that the biggest stubble here was actually flattened out by the words affable and amiable. It seems that the psychological book she read last time said that the average super-violent person did not like others to say that he was fierce. It is so accurate. hair

Scar Man stood up and looked at Chen Daozhu with an expression of pooping on his face: "Is that the master, are you mistaken, this ..." But the hostage we caught.

Master Chen Dao didn't let him finish his speech and interrupted by raising his hand.

Brother Scar was speechless, and said bitterly, "Boss, don't be fooled by her. I just told you just now that this woman is very clever and the master is confused, so I didn't take that. Professor Wang caught it. "

Ye Xingkong found it out, this scar man wants to kill her, and as long as she pleases the owner of Chen Dao, Xiao Ming will be fine.

She looked at Chen Daozhu and sighed: "It really isn't like this. He wanted to kill someone at that time, this young master would stop it, and Professor Wang really didn't know the ciphertext. It didn't help you to catch him. You said that he would soon enter the ground The old man is so kind as Lord Chen Dao, you can't bully an old man who knows nothing, and I told you that I can really unlock the ciphertext, and only I can unlock it. "

Brother Scar said angrily: "You're less here to speak wisely ..."

Ye Xingkong thought that she had offended this scar man anyway, how could he not make himself feel better, and that he would simply offend in the end, by the way not to make him feel bad.

"What am I ..." Ye Xingkong looked at Chen Daozhu again and said, "Chen Daozhu, are you the master of the island or he is the master of the island? How do I think what he means? You have to listen to him. "

The Scar Man's face changed suddenly, and she slammed the desktop, "You **** die !!!"

Ye Xingkong's expression on his face was terrified. "I'm just a clumsy little girl who speaks honestly ..."

"Island master, this girl is obviously deliberately provoked." Scar Man was so angry that he drew smoke and directed his gun at Ye Xingkong.

As soon as he saw the gun, everyone in the house pulled out the gun to prepare the table.

Ye Xingkong hid behind Master Chen Dao immediately and called tragically: "Island master, look at you, he dares to draw a gun in front of you, facing me today, and I don't know if it will be You, my wife is terrible !!! "

Scar Man has been so annoyed that he can't say enough. When he notices the ridiculous look of Chen Chaoyang next to him, he quickly puts his gun away.

He must endure!

A small leak will sink a great ship!

He looked terrified, nervous and careful, and looked at Chen Daozhu and said, "I don't really treat you like this, lord of the island. This girl is too irritating, so I will."

Master Chen Dao raised his hand and interrupted his words: "Okay, you go back and rest first."

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