His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1856: Announce to the world that I love you (16)

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Ye Xingkong asked: "By the way, why did you come back so soon, I sent you a message. It shouldn't have been half an hour?"

"When you see the small river in the villa, it is actually a quick river leaving the island. It only takes half an hour to leave the island."

When she heard Lu Yubai's words, Ye Xingkong covered her mouth in amazement. She was so intuitive again that she did not expect that the river could really leave the island.

Lu Yubai said, "This is a trap. Lin Zhongchang agreed to trade with us at the beginning, and he should never have thought of appearing."

Ye Xingkong frowned: "Lin Zhongchang conspired with Brother Scar. He is now in the villa. I didn't know she was Lin Zhongchang at the time, so I didn't tell you this, but I guess you didn't see Lin Zhongchang at sea. So-called The deal is also likely to be a conspiracy. "

"So I discussed with the owner of the island. The soldiers were divided into two ways. How did you escape just now? Is it dangerous? I will rescue you." Lu Yubai would not forget that when he heard the gunshot just now, his heart was almost Jump out from the chest.

For the first time, so scared of gunfire.

"I use my tactics to show weakness first, to make them feel scared and frightened, and then when they don't notice, they fall on purpose, cover their eyes with mud, and escape successfully." Ye Xingkong Xiao Aojiao lifted up Chin, "I'm your best student."

"Oh." The said cloud is light and windy, but it's extremely thrilling, and she will lose her life a little bit. She is really lucky.

Ye Xingkong poked at his chest, "What kind of expression do you have, I tell you, you can't refute this sentence, I must be your best student, and the only one, no one."

"Uh-huh, you are my best student." Lu Yubai said, and his slender fingers wiped the mud on her face: "Dirty."

"It was dirtier just now, and you held it, so the fierce is no different from me now." Ye Xingkong made a face at him.

"Let's go, it's not safe here. I'll send you off first." Lu Yubai pulled her off the ground. He had to send her away as soon as possible, and of course he must attract firepower, so that the sub-island master would have a chance.

"As for the island owner, we ca n’t possibly go like this. The island owner will not agree with what the residents on the island will do. And ... Xiaodu is still in the villa and I do n’t know how Brother Scar will abuse him. Aren't we leaving with him? "Ye Xingkong suddenly asked a lot of questions.

"With Charlie, he'll be fine," Lu Yubai didn't answer the other, just holding her hand and saying Xiaodu was safe.

Ye Xingkong looked at Lu Yubai in doubt, didn't Charlie and Xiaodu quarrel when they met?

The two of them were clearly opposite each other. How could Charlie be there, but Xiaodu was fine? Could it be true, as she thought, are the two in love and killing each other?

But at this time, Ye Xingkong paid more attention to another thing: "That forest is always a woman, do you know?"

Lu Yubai paused and turned to look at her and asked, "What are you talking about? Who told you that Lin Lin is often a woman."

It seems that Lu Yubai really didn't know, Ye Xingkong was surprised and said: "No one told me, but did the island owner call that Lin Zhongchang Chen? Brother Scar also called her the same, and then Brother Scar returned the original U disk of the report I gave that Chen, so I asked you how Lin Zhongchang was a woman. "

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