His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1864: Announce to the world that I love you (24)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yubai leaned in slightly, then kissed Ye Xingkong's lips lightly. Ye Xingkong immediately looked around shyly. After seeing no one noticed them, he looked at Lu Yubai Jiao and said, "I'm driving ... ... "

"The red light just now," Lu Yubai sneered at her, and looked forward again: "Now the green light."

The sound of a horn sounded behind him, Ye Xingkong slightly red face, and quickly drove forward.

After getting out of the car, Lu Yubai held her hand, for fear that she would lose it, and held it to her apartment without loosening it. She took her hand and sat on the sofa.

The two chatted for a while, and it was too late. Ye Xingkong wanted to go home today, but Lu Yubai didn't allow it.

He held her hand, put his lips in her ears, and kissed him slowly, as if talking slowly, "Will you live in my house tonight?"

The voice and heat of Su Youyi made Ye Xingkong's scalp soft.

Immediately she blushed, her heartbeat was very fast, and she looked horribly at the landing, and then reacted for half a second: "No ... no more."

"Unwilling?" Lu Yubai asked lightly, exuding an ambiguous lips, wandering in her ears seemingly.

Ye Xingkong felt that his brain was about to paste, and he couldn't think anymore: "I ... I think, after all, we are not married yet, so it ’s not good to sleep together."

Lu Yu raised his mouth and said, "Why did you want to go? I didn't let you sleep in the same bed with me, I would sleep next."

Talking, Lu Yubai gently scratched her nose with her fingers.

Ye Xingkong raised his hand subconsciously and stroked the place where his nose was scratched. "You did it on purpose."

She stared at his eyes with a shy smudge, unseductive in the light.

Lu Yubai's eyes were dimmed and he had no injured hand. He wrapped her slender waist and overwhelmed her, while her nose was close to his nose, and the two breathed together.

Ye Xingkong turned his head slightly, and his lip flap swept over his **** lips, with a soft, waxy and sweet smell. Lu Yubai only felt that his heart suddenly jumped and missed a half-beat.

Before she removed her lips, he kissed her deeply.

Lips and teeth were intertwined, and he sucked and kissed for a long time. Lu Yubai let go of it unendingly, and there was a small flame under his eyes, looking at the red starry sky: "Stay here, OK."

It seems to ask, with an unacceptable beak.

The voice is deep and hoarse and sexy, like a glass of mellow and fragrant wine.

Ye Xingkong gave a soft "um" sound.

The next second, the man kissed her red lips again, and the deeper the kiss, the more the man was distracted and fascinated. Gradually the man was not just satisfied with the kiss, one hand had already penetrated into the clothes ...

Ye Xingkong's eyes narrowed momentarily, she thought of his injured hand, her face was obviously frightened, and she looked at him nervously: "Don't mess around, your hands are not good yet ..."

Lu Yu pressed her head lightly against her forehead, her voice low and gasping: "It doesn't matter."


Waiting for Ye Xingkong to finish speaking, the doorbell rang suddenly. Ye Xingkong's body froze, looked at Lu Yubai under him, and told her that someone was coming.

Lu Yubai frowned somewhat unaccompanied, but did not let go of her, apparently she didn't want to bother.

But the doorbell kept ringing, and the two had no way to continue.


PS: Guess who is coming?

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