His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1867: Announce to the world that I love you (27)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

After Lu Yanzhi left, Ye Xingkong looked at the door in a daze until Lu Yubai's hand rested on her shoulder.

"Look at me?"

"No ... it just feels like your dad is so charming, more handsome than looking at the picture."

Lu Yubai: "..."

His eyes sank, and he asked sourly, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Xingkong smiled, raised his hand to hook his neck, and kissed his mouth: "However, in my heart, you are unique and unreachable. There is nothing like you in this world."

Lu Yubai's face turned overcast, and she raised her hand to pinch her face, and pettiously reproached: "Smooth mouth."

Ye Xingkong chuckled a few words, then gently pushed her away, "Okay, okay, it's getting late, the injured person needs to rest early, I ... just go home."

Lu Yubai embraced her thin waist, leaning against her body, her forehead against her forehead, said with a very low magnetic voice: "You run away when you're done?"

Suddenly accused of being irresponsible, Ye Xingkong froze slightly, puzzled: "Huh?"

Lu Yubai sniffed his lips and said, "I have to exchange gifts, and I should also go back."

Ye Xingkong looked weakly at the scorching boyfriend and said, "I am your fiancee, you don't have to be so clear ..."

The injured person can't really be quiet, take a good rest?

"Because it looks like a fiancee, you need to count it clearly."

"You wouldn't want to continue just now ..."

Lu Yubai heard the black eyes and smiled slightly with evil smiles. He lowered his body a bit, and asked dumbly, "What was it?"

The voice contained a playful sound that sounded a little bit of arousal, Ye Xingkong blushed, and lowered his head to his fingers: "Just ... just ... we ..."

Lu Yubai: "We just did, what are we going to do?"

"You deliberately."

"Yeah," he said, and he kissed her lips. After a while, Ye Xingkong was kissed and seduced, his face flushed, and his whole body was crisp and numb ...

Passionate kiss, out of control,

Men and women in love are always inseparable. Ye Xingkong, of course, did not go back in the end and was wiped away.

Lu Yubai personally indicated to Ye Xingkong that even if he was injured, his physical strength was still amazing.

Ye Xingkong ** was so suspicious of life that he wanted to know if someone else ’s boyfriend did the same. In the end, Ye Xingkong was exhausted and fell asleep, not to mention taking a shower. He did n’t even have the strength to speak, and fell asleep as soon as his eyes closed.

When she woke up again, it was already noon the next day, and she was very refreshed. She was so surprised that she had fallen asleep last night and was taken by him to take a bath.


Ye Xingkong turned his head and saw Lu Yubai sleeping next to him. This was the first time when she woke up that she could look at his peerless beauty happily.

The man with closed eyes reached out and wrapped her arms around her, she pulled her arms into her arms, and said hoarsely, "Awake?"

Ye Xingkong murmured softly: "Why didn't you get up today?"

Lu Yubai Yan: "Someone is too hungry and tired me yesterday."

Ye Xingkong froze, and immediately after someone's desperate appearance emerged in her mind last night, she frowned immediately: "You obviously have to keep on, and you still say me, be careful I won't allow it in the future You touch me! "

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