His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1873: It turns out that it was love at first sight (3)

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Lu Kaixin didn't notice anything unusual about the man, went directly to Wu Dabin's room, and rang the doorbell.

Wu Dabin opened the door and saw that he was standing outside. He was happy, and was slightly surprised. Then he laughed loudly: "Isn't this Miss Lu? What kind of wind blows you over."

There was a slight taunt in his tone, and he knew the conditions he offered, and no woman would disagree.

I didn't know anything about it that day, and today I must let her know what it means to miss Liangji and regret it.

After Lu Kaixin entered the room, she closed the door, and she was surprised to find that in the room, not only Wu Dabin was alone, she was accompanied by an assistant guide named Zhou.

"Ms. Lu is here today. What is this to do for Wu Dao?" When Wu Dabin wanted to be happy that day, the deputy Zhou was also there. Naturally, he knew what would happen today, and he said so intentionally.

For those who want to dive actively, they are treated in two ways.

At this moment Wu Dabin sat down on the sofa like an uncle, spread his hands, and waited for me.

From the happy button monitor, I saw two men. Ye Xingkong was anxious. How could there be two people in the room? If she wants to pass now, otherwise, happiness may suffer.

But it's not right to break in now, just in case, the sky sends a message to Lu Yubai, let him come over quickly.

Lu Kaixin smiled and smiled: "Deputy Director Zhou is here too, that's a coincidence."

In fact, the situation that day did not all tell Ye Xingkong happy, Wu Dabin not only said he wanted to sleep with her, but also acted. Following the deputy director named Zhou, the two actually wanted to coax her to drink the medicine After she was dismantled, she warned her that if she wanted to hang out in the entertainment industry, she had to listen to them and let them sleep well, otherwise she would never want to be in her prime.

She was so angry that she wanted to savage the two.

It was originally intended to come one by one. Now that the two are together, she will pack them together today.

This week's Deputy Director also looked at her happily: "I remember last time, but Miss Lu said she didn't need any role?"

There are always a lot of beauties in the entertainment industry, but it is rare to be so delicate.

Lu Kaixin chuckled: "I change my mind now, I really want that girl."

Wu Dabin sold Guanzi: "But the role of the first woman has been chosen, but if you are today ... the role of the second woman I can give you."

Lu Kaixin's smile was stiff. Before she could change to a female lead, now she can only change to a female second. She really looked down on her more and more.

Very good, really good.

She laughed even more joyfully, with a charming voice that made people goosebumps: "What if I have to be a woman?"

Wu Dabin felt his bones were crisp.

The mind has been fantasizing many times, the scene of this stunner under him.

He smiled wryly: "It depends on how you behave. If you do well, maybe I can help you fight for it."

As he said, his gaze swept up and down happy.

The vice guide Zhou next looked happy like this, as if looking at an item for sale.

After the two had finished watching, they also had a meeting of eyes, meaning something, let alone how pickled and sloppy.

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