His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1923: This film emperor's painting style is not right (13)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Meng Xueyin thought about it and turned to look at Chang Yue and said, "My second female in the next show has not been determined yet. Are you interested?"

Chang Yue's eyes brightened: "Is that the recent heroine's fairy sword play? The female second is said to be very demanding."

"If you are interested, it is yours, but ..." Meng Xueyin said something, but did not say it.

Chang Yue took a moment to understand, and smiled and said, "Relax, Sister Meng, I won't let you down."

There will never be a cake falling in the sky, and there will never be a lunch for nothing. If she wants a female No. 2, then she will have to give something, and she knows what it is.


Happy to wait until late, but she hasn't filmed the scene yet. She stood up and walked on her waist. I have to say that the effect of the medicine is quite good, and it is much better after rubbing it.

If you go to bed early today and wipe it again before going to bed, it will probably be fine tomorrow, but you do n’t know when it will be busy tonight.

Suddenly a person walked around, Lu Kaixin turned his head and took a few steps, then asked him: "Is there something wrong?"

Bai Ye smiled with a smile and raised his lips: "Soak you, didn't you say that?"

Glad at him happily, sneer: "Unfortunately this girl is not interested in you."

"You are narcissistic."

"Why can't you be narcissistic because of the beauty of this girl?"

Bai Ye's eyes were unconsciously stained with a smile. He agreed with her. She was really beautiful, but he was mean, but he was unwilling to admit, "Long beauty is indeed beauty, but you can see that the corner of your eye With eye shit, even if it's beautiful, it's as beautiful as a fairy, that's useless. "

Eye shit? Surprised, I subconsciously raised my hand and wiped the corners of my eyes, only to find that I had been cheated, and immediately shouted, "Where is the eye **** ?!"

Bai Ye said badly: "Didn't you? Oh, I read it wrong, it was drooling at the corner of my mouth."

"Can you be cheaper with your mouth?"

"Can you make your eyes bigger? The eyes are about to fall."

Happy to want to hit her, but Bai Yan has turned away, happy to pinch his fist, and waved at his back.

Qixi came out from the side corner and got together to be happy. She came for a while, and then she coughed softly: "That ... you don't always have to fight with Bai Ye like this, after all, he is a film emperor, and offending them is really not good for you. . "

Happy, of course, know that Qixi's words are heart-pulling.

She didn't know how to pay, but just when she saw this cypress, she had unspeakable discomfort in her heart, and wanted to hurt him, and felt like it would be uncomfortable if he didn't hurt him.

Qixi whispered: "Do you know that your role is very important, as far as your face value is concerned, you have a little acting skills, and then you and your elder brother have a good relationship, you will definitely be angry!"

"Why should I have a good relationship with him so that I can be mad, and I can work by myself." She said with a happy face, her confident eyes were full of confidence.

"You can fire is able to fire, I did not say that you are not hot, just ..." The entertainment industry is not so simple. It is not enough to work **** the face and acting skills, but also to have opportunities.

She feels that Bai Ye is the greatest opportunity for happiness.

Happy asked: "Just what?"

Qixi was not entangled in this, and the topic turned: "Just now, how you look at it is like a young couple who is flirting."

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