His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1933: This film emperor's painting style is not right (23)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

[Happy: your sister didn't look after him! !! I did n’t have a separate meal, it ’s just a dinner for the crew. I ’ve called someone to pick him up, rest assured, I ’m not in the same hotel as him. 】

After returning, I happily locked the phone, turned to look at Bai Ye, and saw the slightly raised rectangle in his pants pocket, which was Bai Ye's phone.

She pushed Bai Ye again: "Hey, wake up."

Boyao continued to fall asleep.

She hesitated, then unfastened the seat belt, reached for his pocket to get the cell phone, and prepared to call his agent or assistant. There was no number on his cell phone.

But he was sitting like this, the phone was not easy to hold ...

The thigh was touched, like a kitten scratching, and the person who had been asleep moved his eyelashes, and then opened his eyes slightly ... But he was happy to concentrate on the mobile phone, but he didn't find it.

Bai Ye looked at the girl who was lying on her body, her hair was scattered, she had a faint fragrance, and she took a deep scent, there was a strange sense of entanglement.

Because she is lying on her stomach, her posture reveals her **** collarbone and seemingly absent chest lines, which are faint but seductive.

And that white, silky-skin-like skin, delicate and delicate, can't help but think.

Bai Yan pursed his lips unconsciously, his jaw line was sharp, but his happy eyes were getting darker and darker ...

With so hot eyes, how could she not be aware of her happiness, she turned her head to look at Bai's eyes, startled slightly, and retreated backwards conditionedly, trying to pull her hands out.

But as soon as her hand moved, she was held down by Bai Ye, and her eyes widened happily: "What are you doing?"

Bai Yan's throat moved, and his voice was hoarse: "I should ask you this, what are you doing?"

"What can you do? If you fall asleep, you won't wake up even if you cry, so I want to come to your agent or assistant," he explained happily, and gave him a wink: "Since you're awake, don't call anyone Come on, get out of the car. "

Speaking, she wanted to withdraw her hand again, but was still crushed by Bai Yi.

She glared at Parker again. "Let go."

"Why do I believe in you?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm going to do? Is it rude or not?" He said happily, sweeping his eyes from top to bottom, scorning his lips, saying silently that you don't have that charm.

Bai Ye held her hand and pulled hard, happy, and the whole person lay on Bai Ye immediately.

"Yes, you just want to be rude to me," Bai Yan's voice smelled evil. "Does a woman touch a man's thigh? Is this still obvious?"

Happy smirk, explained again: "I take my phone."

"I only see that you are touching my thigh," Bai Yan gathered in front of the happy pink lips, his deep eyes were full of aggressive force, and his voice was getting duller: "So, I want to ask come back……"

After that, the kiss fell down.

Happy Hitomi Renji was several times bigger, and she was pushing Subaru back unconsciously, but she was caught in the waist and immediately deepened the kiss ...

Unlike before, just a light touch, or gently sucking her lips, as gentle as water.

This time, as soon as he came up, he sieged into the city slightly. He was fiery, enthusiastically and wildly sucking and licking and biting, and Ren Xinhua made a whining protest, and he couldn't ignore it.

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