His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1939: This film emperor's painting style is not right (29)

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Lu Kaixin was so angry that she picked up the only attackable item around her and smashed it directly at the person who walked in.

"Dare you come to me, you **** !!" Very accurately, the pillow just hit the man's face in the middle.

But after the pillow fell from the man's face, the happy hand that had not been retracted just stiffened in midair.

The man who walked in front was not Bo Yi, but another tall man, but Bo Qing's agent Shen Qinghu, a well-known gold medal agent in China.

He was hit by a pillow, and now his brows were tightly frowning, and the corners of his mouth were a little speechless.

Bai Ye, who was standing behind him, laughed very impolitely, a gloating look.

How dare he laugh? !! !! Lu Kaixin stared at him coldly, Bai Ye looked at her eyes, raised an eyebrow, his attitude was arrogant, and his eyes seemed to smile like a smile, quiet and unpredictable like a clear lake.

Happy to look back, looking at Shen Qinghu, "Sorry, I don't know it is you ..."

Shen Qinghu waved his hand: "It's okay, fortunately it's a pillow, but in the future you need to see people clearly before hitting."

Happy pursed his lips and kept silent, even if Bo Yi came, why should he bring his agent.

Is it because of a scandal? What do they want to do?

On the small sofa in the room, sitting happily with Qixi, Shen Qinghu and Bai Yan each had their own side.

Shen Qinghu glanced at the lazy cypress, and then looked at the joy of indifference. The girl was still young, but very beautiful, with exquisite features and cold temperament. No wonder even cypress was planted in it.

He coughed and said, "Since you have already been photographed, let's just make it public. In this case, publicity is the best ..."

"What's public?" Happy looking at Shen Qinghu like an alien, how did you feel a little bit incomprehensible?

Shen Qinghu stared at the landing strangely. Was it really unknown, or was he deaf?

But also, if this girl doesn't have some means, she won't be able to let Bai Yan admit her in a short time.

"It ’s your relationship. Since it was filmed, let ’s make it public. Although I do n’t agree with it, after all, you are all young and your relationship is really unnecessary, but the current situation is the best way to deal with it. I believe everyone will bless you. "

Lu Kaixin was kind and funny: "You think you might be wrong. I wasn't with Bai Ye, so there is nothing to say publicly."

Shen Qinghu was aggressive, and looked at Bai Yan in amazement? Didn't you say you were together? Otherwise, what he follows, this scandal is not lethal to them.

Eye-catching door-to-door, hot face is cold paste butt?

Qixi is also shocked, happy that you don't understand, what does the meaning of these five words?

Bai Ye sat upright and looked happy and said quietly: "Little happy, Qinghu is his own, we don't need to hide from him."

Shen Qinghu said, "..." He said that his family was only the girl who posted him.

Qixi's inner surprise was even more upset: "..." Are they together? They are not together? The world is really fantasy ...

And Lu Kaixin was completely uttered by Bai Yi, and his lover-like words came to Lei, and he was speechless for a long time and could not speak.

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