His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1944: Our relationship is related (4)

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The last discussion between Lu Kaixin and Bai Ye was a little like, and announced "love" in another way. This way, it is the lowest key and can be regressed.

At first Bai Ye was a little unwilling, but after a moment of silence, just when Lu Kaixin wanted to persuade him, he nodded and agreed.

Happy and unexpected.

In the WeChat group chat with my brothers, it was quite lively at the moment. The brothers who did not love to chat, kept sending messages to ask what was going on.

[Happy: It's fake, it's just a means of public relations. It's ambiguous to say that we are together. After half a year, depending on the situation, we are just friends. 】

[Lu Yan: Really? 】

[Happy: Really! Really! Really! Important things to say three times! I have nothing to do with him. Yesterday, it was just a matter of angle. I made a mistake, but Uncle Chu said that this kind of public relations is the best. 】

[Shang Bojun: ...]

[Shang Zijun: ...]

[Lu Yan: ...]

[Lu Shaoqian: ...]


Obviously, my brothers are not very convinced. Not only my brothers, but the other members of the Lu family are also very surprised.

In particular, Chief Lu's beard almost turned upside down. How could he be kidnapped just after he was in college, no, absolutely not.

A phone call followed by a phone call bombarded and explained for a long time.

As for Lu Yanchen and time, it was much calmer.

Happy to think that it should be that Uncle Chu called the handsome Lu Lu, but for security reasons, she still called the family.

"Mom, it's really fake. There is nothing between him and me. Uncle Chu gave me this plan." At this time, he threw all the pots to the north of Chu Mu.

Time muttered, "I just hope you don't make me a grandmother now."

Black line full of happiness: "Little beauty, don't let me call your mom in the future, I'm not serious."

"Who said?" There was a low voice beside him, his father.

Lu Kaixin bit his lip and said coquettishly, "Old Lu handsome guy, if you invest me money and make me a heroine, there won't be so many things."

"Why don't you just say, let me take the money and let you make a movie."

"If so, it would be better."

Lu Yanchen ignored her and hung up the phone.

If you give her money directly, how can she realize that life is not easy, and her dreams depend on her own hard work. Her dream is to pay for her, not her parents.

Furthermore, she is going to make a movie. How can she be a good movie without any experience?

She and Bai Ye have a true and false romance. The most surprising thing is the crew. Everyone has never felt that Bai Ye and happy are a pair.

Especially Meng Xueyin, she also thought about borrowing this movie, using Hyundai to hype herself, and increasing her popularity, but she did not expect her to be happy together.

This woman is too incredible, and the means are too strong.

Doesn't she have a leg with Wu Dabin? Her role is not because of Bai Ye, but because of Wu Dabin. Bai Ye should also know that she doesn't care at all?

Or does Boss don't know? !!

But more difficult to accept than Meng Xueyin is Chang Yue.

What was the relationship between Kaixin and Bai Yan before? It can be seen by sighted people at a glance. They should not have been together before.

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